We remember the days of chasing bubbles around the yard without a care in the world. What makes bubbles so magical for kids of all
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Giggle’s 2025 Summer Camp Guide
Giggle's 2025 Summer Camp Guide is your resource for a wide variety of camps to keep kids of all ages busy and entertained. You can download a PDF version of the education guide by clicking here. Related articles Family Beach Day… read more
Financial Downsizing: Thinking Outside the Box
Over the past few years, my husband and I have been in a gradual financial downsizing process, necessitated by our desire for me to be home with our kids. When our first baby was about 10 months old, I started… read more
10 Ways You Can Use Your Everyday Sponge
The almighty sponge. We use it daily in our sinks and to wash our cars, but this handy dandy cleaning tool can be used in others ways around the house! Check out all the different ways you can use your… read more
Try These At-Home Listening Activities
While listening skills are practiced every day in preschool and kindergarten classrooms, it is up to parents to continue building those listening skills at home. Former kindergarten teacher Ilene Vitkus shared some of her classroom tactics to make at-home listening… read more
Stressed? Laughter May Be the Best Medicine
Mental health is no laughing matter. Well, maybe it is. For years, the age-old expression telling us that laughter is the best medicine has been circulating. Whether it’s being said by a mother comforting her child or someone saying it… read more
Kindergarten Round-Up is Here
Get to Know ACPS at Kindergarten Round-Up! Calling all families with incoming Kindergarteners! On April 16, at 2:15 p.m., Alachua County Public Schools (ACPS) will be hosting their Kindergarten Round-Up. This is an event that will be held at all… read more
The Benefits of Staying Active During Pregnancy
Many women grew up believing that pregnancy is a time to take it easy, put your feet up on the couch and by all means avoid exercise. While sometimes the modern pregnant woman does need to put her feet up… read more
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Snot Cheat Sheet: Understanding Mucus
When it comes to raising children, parents wear many hats. On any given day, you can be a chef, chauffeur, maid, therapist, nurse, teacher and last but not least, snot checker. That’s right, one of the many joys of parenting… read more
DIY easy & fun
Update Your Kid’s Room On A Small Budget
While that adorable farm animal theme may have been just perfect for your newborn, it is quite possible that your 6-year-old is more into super heroes now than cuddly sheep. If you are ready to update your kiddo’s space but… read more
Back to School Pencil People Craft
The time has finally come to send our sun-kissed summer babes back to the classroom. After you choose lunchboxes and first day clothes, try this cute craft to build some excitement around the new school year. This “pencil people” craft… read more
Crafting With Katie: Summer Flamingo Craft
Sum-Sum Summertime! School is out, warm weather is here and Floridians can be found outdoors enjoying our surroundings all summer long. Those surroundings, of course, include many wonderful and unique native birds. I’m sure I’m not alone in picking the… read more
Jazz Up Your Grilled Cheese For Grilled Cheese Day!
Friday, April 12 is National Grilled Cheese Sandwich Day! Instead of celebrating with your basic go-to grilled cheese, try one of these recipes for a twist on a classic! Guacamole Grilled Cheese Servings: 4 For the guacamole 3 avocadoes, peeled… read more
Crafting With Katie: Mother’s Day Straw Flowers
Try this fun and easy Mother’s Day craft with your kiddos that can be gifted to those special women in their lives. These flowers will bring smiles to their faces for years to come. Materials For this Mother’s Day craft,… read more
Make Homemade Nontoxic Playdough For Endless Fun!
Playdough has been the favorite squishy substance of many toddlers all over the world for years! The Play- Doh® that we all know and love was accidentally invented by Joseph and Noah McVicker in 1955 while the two were trying… read more
Easy DIY Stain Removers
We’ve all been there, a party guest splashes her red wine on your new white rug, or you turn around for two minutes and come back to crayon-coated walls. Spills and stains can happen in an instant. If only the… read more
DIY Homework Caddy
Does your kiddo like to do homework on the go? Are they constantly moving from their room, to the kitchen and then on the floor? Do they have to squeeze in a bit of homework while in the car on… read more
Make DIY Cleaning Solutions with Lemons!
When life gives you lemons, start cleaning! Lemons are the perfect natural cleaning ingredient to use in the kitchen and around the whole house. The acidity in lemons gives them antibacterial and antiseptic properties, and the aroma is bright and… read more
Make an Easy DIY Laundry Folder!
Let's be honest – nobody really likes to do laundry! And most people consider folding the laundry to be the worst part. Luckily, there is an invention that you can make at home that makes folding laundry as easy as… read more