The Hogtown Creek Headwaters Nature Park will soon be getting a facelift! Other improvements that will begin in 2015 and will include a nature trail, playground, pavilion, and a tennis/volleyball court. Please be aware that the park will be closed to visitors during construction and signage will be posted to this effect. If you have any questions about this project, please call Linda Demetropoloulos, Nature Operations Manager, at 352-393-8445. Thank you for your patience and we are sure you will enjoy the improvements!
From former pinelands and majestic upland mixed forest to shady fern-covered wetlands where water slowly seeps from the ground to form the beginnings of Hogtown Creek, this 70-acre park protects a variety of natural habitats. The park was purchased with funds from the Florida Communities Trust and with a generous donation from Home Depot. Nature trails, a playground, a picnic pavilion, and other amenities are planned, providing options for both nature-based and active recreation.