Meet Super Dad Anthony (Tony) Cere!

By Giggle Magazine
Super Dads graphic

Meet one of our Super Dads, Anthony (Tony) Cere!

Where do you work and what do you do for a living?

Kinetix Physical Therapy, Physical Therapist / Owner

Name and ages of kiddos?

Evan (14), Brooklyn (12)

If you could be any superhero, who would it be and why?

Iron Man. He runs a successful business by day and is a superhero flying around saving the world from the bad guys.

What is your favorite part of being a dad?

Spending time and making memories with our kids as a family!

What is your most memorable dad moment?

It’s hard to pick just one. Some of my favorite memories have been riding the kids around on the golf cart and fishing in the pond on my parents’ farm in the Florida Panhandle.

If you could give two pieces of advice to a new dad, what would it be?

Be patient with your kids and wife. Don’t work so hard that you miss out on time with your family.

What is the hardest part of being a dad?

The hardest part has been watching my kids go through tough times in life, knowing I can’t always fix it for them and trying to figure out the best way to help them grow through it.

What do you hope your children learn the most from you?

I hope they learn a lot, but the most important things would be to keep their faith in God first and always do their best at whatever they put their mind to.

Share a “Dad fails” moment that you learned from or laughed about!

When our little girl was about 3 or 4 years old, I was walking into a grocery store in the Bahamas with her and my son. I didn’t realize it at first, but she was just a step behind us and got locked out on the other side when the one-way automatic glass doors closed ahead of her. She just started crying and I could not get the doors to open from inside the store. Luckily someone saw what was going on and came to open the doors for her to let her in. Since we were out of the country, it was a scary moment at the time but now we can get a little laugh out of it.

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