Featured Teacher: Jennifer Lowery

By Giggle Magazine
Image of Featured Teacher

Our Featured Teacher is Jennifer Lowery!

I have lived in Gainesville since July of 2004 and am the single mom to two handsome, incredible boys, 13 and 6. My boys are my world, and I can’t imagine life without them! When I am not working, I enjoy singing, bowling, ax throwing, going to the beach and spending time with my family. I absolutely adore animals, and I have a dog, a rabbit and five cats.

I have taught first grade at Expressions Learning Arts Academy for 9 years but, before that, I was at both Baby Gator and Sylvan Learning Center, and I have brought many valuable experiences with me. Teaching is in my blood. The best part is watching the light bulb come on when something a student has struggled with for so long finally clicks and makes sense. I can’t imagine doing anything else with my days.

Where do you teach?

Expressions Learning Arts Academy

What grade/age do you teach?

1st Grade

How long have you been a teacher?

I have been a teacher since 2004! I can’t believe it has been 20 years already.

What subject do you teach?

Being a primary grades teacher, I get the privilege of teaching all the subjects. Reading, math, writing, science and social studies. At my school I even have the opportunity to teach art, music and drama to my class because we are a performing arts charter school.

Why were you inspired to teach?

Growing up I had always wanted to be a veterinarian. However, when I turned 16 I worked for the vet that took care of all my animals and I very quickly learned that I loved animals more than the science/ medicine of being a vet. The only other thing that ever felt right was making a difference in the lives of children and teaching them.

What is your favorite part of the school day?

My favorite part of the school day is recess, like the kids. However, it’s because it’s when they can actually be kids and it is also when they really open up with me. They love to come tell me stories and jokes. I enjoy watching them interact with their friends and use their imaginations too.

Do you have a favorite assignment/project that you typically assign your students?

I have so many assignments/projects that I love to give my students, but I think my favorite project is my Family Thanksgiving Tradition Diorama project I give them each year. I ask the students to go home and talk about their family Thanksgiving traditions and build a diorama to bring back and share with the class. They have over two weeks to complete this project, and I am always so impressed with the different traditions and dioramas that are brought back. Then we spend a whole day presenting them. Finally, we invite the other classes from the school to walk through our classroom to look at them and ask my students questions about the dioramas. Everyone always has a great time.

How do you wind down from a long day of teaching?

I am a single mom with two boys. I don’t really get to wind down, LOL. However, after teaching I enjoy going home and spending time with my kids and animals. We try to play outside, cook dinner together or watch some TV before bed.

What hobbies do you enjoy?

Spending time with my kids, singing, going to the beach, bowling and ax throwing.

If you were a superhero, who would you be?

Sue Storm, “The Invisible Woman”

What is your favorite book?

“Peanut Butter and Cupcake” by Terry Border.

Share 3 pieces of advice to parents about how to keep kids engaged with learning

1. Set up a routine and stick to it.
2. Allow your child to be independent and responsible.
3. Read every day!

What are you looking forward to on the first day of school?

The thing I look forward to on the first day of school is to see all the students from the past years and to see the kids see all their friends from the year before and how excited they are.

The Back to School Sales Tax Holiday Begins July 29