Back to School Pencil People Craft

By Katie Osterhout
Pencil people craft

The time has finally come to send our sun-kissed summer babes back to the classroom. After you choose lunchboxes and first day clothes, try this cute craft to build some excitement around the new school year. This “pencil people” craft is fast and easy to create and will be a great addition to your first day of school breakfast table. Extra credit if you make one for the teacher!


  • Paper rolls (any size)
  • Yellow, pink and white construction paper
  • Tin foil
  • Googly eyes
  • Black Sharpie
  • Tape
  • Glue

Pencil People Craft Instructions

Start by measuring your supplies to fit the size roll you choose.

Cut your yellow paper to wrap fully around the roll and glue or tape the back.

Then, cut and wrap a smaller pink piece around the bottom for the eraser.

Finally, cut, wrap and glue a thinner tin foil strip, right above the pink, for the ferrule.

For the tip, cut a white or cream-colored paper circle. Then, cut a slit halfway up the middle. Twist the paper to form a cone shape. Tape or glue the cone and fit it into the top of the tube.

Add some hot glue to secure.

Use the black Sharpie to color the tip of the white paper, resembling the pencil lead.

Glue on googly eyes or use markers to create your own.

Put the Sharpie to work and draw a happy little face.

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