Christina Vila

Preparing Your Family for Hurricane Season

Preparing your family for hurricane season is here! Florida hurricane season runs from June 1 through the end of November, with the high season occurring in August and September. Before the Storm Bill Quinlan, a meteorologist on WCJB TV20’s weather… read more


Shark Tales: Distinguishing Facts from Fiction

Sharks have a bad reputation. Blame their rows of sharp teeth or the images we’ve been fed through movies like “Jaws.” But they’re not all bad, and they’re completely necessary for the ocean environment. George Burgess, a shark biologist and… read more

Old Family Photos

Complete Your Family Tree With These Tips

Who are you? For most people, this is an easy question. They classify themselves as mothers or fathers, sons or daughters, painters, teachers or doctors. But for others, it raises a burning question that runs deeper than occupation or social… read more