Parenting is a full-time job. Regardless of whether you spend your days chasing children or sitting behind a desk, life is busy. It can be easy to put your own health on hold while taking care of others. However, maintaining a… read more
Lindsey Johnson
Get Off the Couch! Why Children Need an Active Lifestyle
Activity is a vital part of a healthy lifestyle as well as critical in childhood development. Many of us grew up outdoors and played outside every afternoon until dinnertime. We played wiffle ball, rode bikes, explored trails, waded in creek… read more
Sunscreen 101: Everything You Need to Know to Stay Safe
Welcome to the Sunshine State! Summer is a great time to take advantage of Florida’s many beautiful waterways and outdoor activities. While you prepare for the lazy days of summer, keep your family safe and sunburn free with sunscreen! We’ve… read more
How to Find the Best Sport for Your Child
Organized sports are a big part of childhood for many families. Sports teach children valuable lessons such as teamwork, camaraderie, how to lose gracefully, hard work, commitment and leadership. But what if your child isn’t interested in soccer or flag… read more
Getting Your Teen Involved in Volunteering
Giving back to the community is a valuable skill to teach kids. Volunteerism is so important that some high schools require a minimum number of hours to graduate. In addition, colleges and scholarship programs consider a student’s volunteer hours in… read more
Emotional Eating: What It Is and How to Avoid it
Bodies need nourishment. Food and water provide fuel for bodily processes and activities, and we must replenish our supply daily. Individual body makeup along with activity level determines what you need to sustain yourself and maintain a healthy weight. While… read more
Stress Busters: How to Handle New Parent Stress
From the moment you found out that a baby was on the way, you were likely filled with lots of emotions, including stress. How will we afford this new child? What are the plans for childcare and taking time off… read more
Tame the Mean Green with These Anti-Nausea Foods
The first pregnancy clue often comes in an unpleasant package with a sense of queasiness or a rush to the bathroom. For many women, the first trimester may be a series of green days due to hormone fluctuations and bodily… read more
Back Pain in Pregnancy: Is it Inevitable?
Back pain is one of the most common complaints of pregnancy. Cedars-Sinai reports that 50% to 80% of women experience some back discomfort during gestation. Is it inevitable? How can you prevent it and treat it? When should you talk… read more
The ABC’s of Acne: Causes and Prevention
According to the Mayo Clinic, the definition of acne is “a skin condition that occurs when hair follicles become plugged with oil and dead skin cells. It causes whiteheads, blackheads or pimples. Acne is most common among teenagers, though it affects… read more