Olivia Pitkenthly

Is My Kid Abusing His ADHD Medication?

More children and teens are being prescribed stimulants, such as Adderall and Ritalin, to improve focus and enhance academic progress. Unfortunately, with the rise in prescriptions comes also the rise in abuse. According to the American Association of Poison Control’s… read more

Avoid Being “Unfriended” During Election Season

My husband and I learned early on how to protect our marriage: we avoid politics. As two opinionated people on opposite sides of the spectrum, we became frustrated with each other during our first presidential election as a dating couple. Had we been on Facebook at… read more

Do You Have a Favorite Child?

Ross and Monica Gellar are the rival siblings of our generation. The TV sitcom “Friends” depicted Ross as the favorite child, a “medical miracle,” who could do no wrong in his parents’ eyes. Monica was often criticized for her appearance,… read more