There’s nothing like hearing your child curse to make you cringe in horror. The first time I heard my daughter utter a four-letter word, I was in shock. Where did she learn this? It didn’t take long for me to… read more
Olivia Pitkenthly
How to Keep Safe Around Fire Pits
With cooler temperatures comes the desire to toast a few marshmallows and relax by a warm fire. However, make sure your safety measures aren’t too relaxed. Fire pits have caused nearly 3,700 grass and brush fires in the U.S. Keep… read more
3 Ways to Sleep Train Your Baby
New parents receive so much unsolicited advice regarding sleep and their newborns. From “never wake a sleeping baby” to “wake the baby every two hours to eat” it can get pretty confusing. Add to that your exhaustion, and who has… read more
Helping Your Tween Conquer Video Game Addiction
Pac-Man, Mario Bros., Tetris. Video games have changed since we were kids. Now, there are first-person games, multi-player online role playing games and multi-user domain games. Kids today can play online with people across the world or watch others playing… read more
5 Tips for Making Homework Feel Less Like Work
According to “Homework In America,” a 2014 Brown Center Report on American Education, homework for students in third grade through twelve takes an average of one hour per night and rarely exceeds two hours per night. I doubt they factored… read more
Help Your Child Cope With Nighttime Fears
Monsters, darkness and ghosts are among the top 10 fears of children, according to “Fears Stress and Trauma: Helping Children Cope” by Edward Robinson. In his book, Robinson reports that these nighttime fears are a normal part of a child’s… read more
Balancing Your Parenting Technique
Children do not come with an instruction manual. For some parents, not having a formula or a guidebook to teach them how to manage their children causes a lot of anxiety and thus causes parents to create their own manual.… read more
How to Navigate Through a Difficult ‘Tween Attitude’
Rolling eyes. Slamming doors. Deep sighs. Welcome to the tween years. Kids at this age are not little children anymore, but they aren’t quite teenagers either. Nevertheless, they are going through a stage of development where they are building self-confidence… read more
Parenting Through Divorce: Coping with Family Changes Positively
When a couple chooses to divorce, there are many factors to consider: Who gets the house? How will we divide our assets? How will this change our social lives? When you are a parent who chooses to divorce, the factors become more complicated: Will I… read more
Create Fair Fighting Rules For Your Household
Every couple argues. Even the healthiest, happiest couple bickers from time to time. Having a disagreement can help a couple improve their communication, resolve misunderstandings and express their feelings. However, it is easy to get caught up in your emotions… read more