While staining our clothes is just another good reason to buy more, that’s not usually the most practical answer. Here are some helpful tips to remove stains for good: Grass Stains Spring is approaching, which means more time outside, and… read more
Olivia Pitkenthly
Use This Guide For Crafting the Perfect Bedtime Story
“Tell me a story.” These four words coming from my children gets my creative juices flowing. I love to engage in the silly, describing a real-life Candy Land, and changing my voice with each character. My husband? Not so much.… read more
Gainesville Bee Keepers: For the Love on Honey
The beginning of spring ushers in lots of sweetness — the smells of fresh-bloomed flowers, the sounds of happy, chirping birds and the taste of delicious honey. While you can find many brands of honey on the grocery store shelves,… read more
Do You Pay to Make the Grade?
The start of a new school year brings hope that this year will be just as good, or even better, than the last. However, as the year carries on, are they still motived to do well in school? You want to… read more
Guess Who’s Coming to Dinner? Getting Real About Imaginary Friends
When I was about 5 years old, I had a friend named Patty. She had straight brown hair with bangs, brown eyes and stood as tall as my bedroom doorknob. She had a brother named Norman and always had a… read more
Decisions, Decisions: The importance of giving your toddler a choice
I remember being a kid and going to Toys ‘R’ Us, gripping a gift certificate in my little hand. I felt like I was holding a lottery ticket as I walked down every aisle, amazed at how many toys were… read more
The Write Stuff: How to Encourage Good Handwriting
Learning how to write is a struggle, for both the kids and the parents! Kids have to learn to hold a pencil with “pinchy fingers,” keep their hands and shoulders steady and leave spaces between words. Parents have to learn… read more
When the Grandparents Move In
Grandparents living with grandchildren is becoming more and more common due to financial strain, health issues and the desire for closeness. From 1980 to 2008, the number of U.S. households with at least two adult generations increased from 12 to… read more
Bump to the Pump: How Do Working Moms Balance Breastfeeding?
The number of breast-fed babies in Florida continues to rise. In 2017, 58.3% of infants were breastfeeding at 6 months, according to the CDC Breastfeeding Report Card. So, how do moms balance breastfeeding with employment? Fortunately, there’s a law for… read more
How to Talk to Your Kids About Gun Safety
One in three American homes with children has a firearm in the house, according to a survey conducted by the Pew Research Center. Even if you don’t have a gun in your home, chances are your neighbor does. Teaching your children about gun safety… read more