Sarah Sepe

Heart Health for Women

February is American Heart Month! A study done in 2020 by the American Heart Association (AHA) found that women are found to be at a higher risk for heart failure and heart attack death than men. Why is this? Let's… read more

5 Ways to Take the Fear out of Losing Teeth

I remember my first wiggly tooth. For days, I feared the inevitable day my mom would yank it from my mouth. Butterflies constantly fluttered in my stomach: every bite, every sip, every tooth-brushing session. Losing teeth was nerve-wracking. However, there… read more

Stressed? Laughter May Be the Best Medicine

Mental health is no laughing matter. Well, maybe it is. For years, the age-old expression telling us that laughter is the best medicine has been circulating. Whether it’s being said by a mother comforting her child or someone saying it… read more

Simple After-School Snacks

The period after school is a tricky one when it comes to feeding your kids. It’s probably around 3 p.m. when you get home, and the first thing that comes out of their mouths is, “I’m hungry.”  It’s tricky because… read more

Best Mother’s Day Gifts

Moms: what would we do without them? They spend countless hours cooking, cleaning, working, and all around just being selfless for their families. However, one day a year (though, it should be every day) they get to sit back, relax… read more

Family Game Night

Picture this: It’s Saturday night, you’ve had a day of relaxation and family time and you don’t want the fun to stop! You open your game closet, and there lie the same three games you’ve had for an eternity. One… read more