We’ve all heard about the "5 second rule." You know, where you drop some food on the floor but if you pick it up within five seconds you’d avoid the chance of germs. It sounds good, but is it accurate?… read more
Tracy Wright
Are Pacifiers Good For Babies?
Pacis, loveys, binkeys, babas—they are known by many names (known as “wubby” among my kids), but all refer to the infamous pacifier. The pacifier is an instrument that allows your baby to self-soothe by sucking. According to the National Institute… read more
How Dads Can Bond with Their Newborn Baby
The bond between a mother carrying her child typically starts when that baby is in her womb. While the connection between a dad and baby is just as important, it may not begin until the baby is born. Experts say… read more
Learn How to Navigate Body Odor and Your Tween!
As our children transition into “tween-hood,” we notice a variety of changes due to the influx of hormones. These can include mood changes, body development, hair growth and, of course, body odor. Girls typically begin puberty between the ages of… read more
How to Cope With Your Preschooler’s Tantrums
As parents, we’ve all dealt with temper tantrums in our children. Often, they begin as early as 2 years old with nonstop crying and sometimes last until the tween and teen years in their own hormonal ways. However, between the… read more
UTIs in Kids: Causes and How to Prevent Them
Urinary tract infections (UTIs) are common in adults but can also occur in young children. Unfortunately, the effects of a UTI can be extremely painful. UTIs in kids may also be difficult to identify, and, if not treated early, can… read more
Ready, Set, Potty Train: When Should You Potty Train Your Child?
So — you’ve made it through the newborn phase sleep struggles and may feel like you’re finally in a settled place as a parent. But now it’s time to potty train your child, which can be a very grueling time… read more
Linea Nigra: The Pregnancy Line
Pregnancy causes many changes to women’s bodies. One of the most unusual is a dark line occuring on the stomach from the belly button to the vagina. Known as the “linea nigra,” it occurs in many, but not every woman.… read more
Get Ready for the Alachua County Kindergarten Roundup
It's always a big milestone for parents when their child enters kindergarten. Alachua County’s Kindergarten Roundup makes it easy for parents to enroll their children at their zoned elementary school quickly and efficiently while also allowing parents and children to… read more
How to Manage Body Image in Tweens
Being a tween and teen is a rollercoaster of hormones, emotions and drama. One of the biggest hurdles they face can be related to body image. Social media doesn’t help — with so many messages being about the “ideal” body… read more