As parents, we all know the day is coming. The day when we have to send our little one off to preschool, full potty trained. The clock is ticking, the diapers are dwindling and the struggle is hard. Children work… read more
Tracy Wright
Smooth Sailing: Treating Your Child’s Constipation
Constipation is a common health condition, and children are not immune. According to the BMJ journal, it is one of the top 10 common problems that pediatricians see in their office, and up to 8 percent of American children are… read more
The Pandemic Effect: How Social Isolation Affects Young Children
It’s no doubt that 2020 and the impact of COVID-19 has affected virtually every person on the planet. For infants and children under 2, the influence of the pandemic may not be very apparent as their routines likely didn’t change… read more
How to Monitor Your Tween and Internet Challenges
As a parent of tweens navigating uncharted waters with social media and the internet, new trends have appeared that make your job even more difficult. Most of us have heard of the Ice Bucket Challenge that raised money for ALS… read more
How Can You Help Your Kiddos Stop Biting Their Nails?
When children get nervous or bored, they may resort to nervous habits, one of the most common being biting their nails. While it may seem like an innocent habit, parents may need to investigate the root cause of this habit… read more
How to Address Bad Toddler Behavior and Time-Outs
Terrible two’s and "threenager" are often terms applied to that toddler age usually associated with the age- old toddler tantrum. Already exhausted parents find themselves frustrated with how to deal with bad behavior from their toddlers. Time-outs are often cited… read more
Why Is It So Important for Parents to Get Proper Sleep, Too?
“Get your sleep now!” Soon-to-be parents hear this phrase often before they have their first child, and they learn it immediately soon after their baby is born. We know that newborn sleep is definitely affected, but new studies have shown… read more
Why is it Important to Give Your Kiddos Healthy Snacks?
Snacks and their association with children have had an up and down reputation over the years. Many years ago, some of us may have heard our moms admonish any type of snacking with the warning “you’ll spoil your dinner!” Snacking’s… read more
How to Talk to Your Kids About Cyberbullying
Most parents of tweens and teenagers will inevitably have to navigate the wars of social media. Over the last decade there has been a significant increase in technology and social media apps in our day-to-day lives. As we have seen… read more
Bedwetting: Why Does My Child Wet The Bed?
You feel a tug on your arm in the middle of the night and what is standing beside you is a wet, uncomfortable child. Although bed-wetting is very common, it doesn’t make it any less exhausting for parents and embarrassing… read more