
What Type of Parent Are You?

Illustrations by Anibal Rodriguez and Megan Sapelak Researchers have identified four primary parenting styles that classify most parents and the way they raise their children. While there is no perfect parent, researchers have also uncovered certain long-term traits of children associated… read more

Setting Up an Obstacle Course in Your Backyard

Summer is finally upon us. If you are like most parents, you are faced with the ever-difficult task of keeping your kiddos entertained during their summer break. And we are not just talking about them fending for themselves playing video games on their tablets or… read more

The Importance of Preschool

Did you know that having your child attend just one year of preschool before he starts kindergarten can set him up for greater success well into his elementary years and beyond? Even though play is the “work” of childhood, children… read more

giggle magazine

15 Tips for Moms to Relax and Refocus

As modern mothers, we tend to hold ourselves to some impossible standards. If we had a touch of perfectionism before having a child, it can rear its head with a vengeance after we have a tiny human to raise, and… read more

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