

14 of the Best Florida Museums

While most tourists come to the Sunshine State to get away from the snow and indulge in the beautiful sandy beaches, there’s actually more to Florida than just our infinite sunny days. With endless history, some of the best-kept secrets… read more

girl holding eggs on her eyes

The Importance of Cooking with Your Kids

Inviting your kids into the kitchen is a great way to bond with them while teaching them important skills. Here are some important things to remember when it comes to cooking with kids! Encourage Them to get Their Hands Dirty… read more

podcasts for moms

5 Best Podcasts for Working Moms

Being a mom can be really hard, especially when you are balancing motherhood and a full-time job. Sometimes it may feel like you are all alone in your struggle, but you are not. Here are our five best podcasts for… read more


Moms Need Me Time Too

By Isabella Sorresso Let’s get real, being a mom is not easy. You are constantly monitoring someone else, making sure everyone gets fed and you are being pulled in a million different directions. If you get a chance to sit… read more

Get fit as a family

Fitness The Whole Family Can Enjoy

The days are longer and the weather is beautiful, it's time to embrace physical activity together as a family. Here are some easy ways to get everyone inspired to get moving, active and into a healthy mindset. Have a dance… read more


Should You Censor What Your Tween is Reading?

It’s a miracle! Your child has traded in his video games for an old-fashioned book, filled with pages of words that will transport him into a world of endless adventures. It’s often stressed that reading to your child is important… read more

talia felicia

A Day In the Life of: Talia Felicia

Talia Felicia is a Chief Possibilities Officer (A.K.A. Event Professional), Graphic Designer and Adjunct Professor at the world’s greatest post-secondary institution (Go Gators!). She has been married to her husband Danny for 19 years and is a mom to Gabriel… read more

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