
Must-Have Baby Items

Mom and Dad’s Must-Have Baby Items

Hello, new parents and parents-to-be! Wondering what you need for your new baby? Are the aisles upon aisles of baby items at Target stressing you out? It can be so overwhelming to make sure you have not only everything you… read more

Citizens’ Oversight Committee

ACPS Citizens’ Oversight Committee Seat Opening

Alachua County Public Schools (ACPS) is taking applications for an open seat on the citizens' Oversight Committee that reviews expenditures and revenues raised through the Half-Cent for School sales tax initiative. "Under the committee bylaws, two additional members are to… read more


Nurture Meets Nature: Hike It Baby

In this day and age, it can be hard to raise an outdoorsy child. Unlike the children who grew up right before the technology boom, children today tend to steer away from the outdoors in favor of indoor electronic devices.… read more


5 Ways to Talk To Your Child About Bullying

As parents, we send our children into the world hoping that they come back every day with more knowledge and more confidence. In some cases, unfortunately, bullying can get in the way. Bullying can have serious short- and long-term effects,… read more

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