Parenthood is new and exciting when you are experiencing it for the first time. It is full of changes, firsts and a ton of decisions. From the moment you learn you are expecting, you are faced with countless choices. And… read more
Conception 2 College
Beyond Little Outbursts: How to cope with an aggressive child
Children express their emotions in physical ways before they learn how to verbalize them. I have a video of my 6-month-old daughter in a high chair, slamming her pudgy hand on the tray when she thought her brother was going… read more
Is My Kid Abusing His ADHD Medication?
More children and teens are being prescribed stimulants, such as Adderall and Ritalin, to improve focus and enhance academic progress. Unfortunately, with the rise in prescriptions comes also the rise in abuse. According to the American Association of Poison Control’s… read more
How and When to Teach Your Child to Ride a Bike
“It’s as easy as riding a bike ...” Oh, as if those words were as true to our tikes who are learning to ride those two-wheel bikes for the first time! When it comes time to teach your child how… read more
From Fuss to Fun: Perks of Teaching Baby Sign Language
No need for baby talk when there’s baby sign language. Babies can communicate using modified gestures from American Sign Language, and teaching it can make for a fun bonding activity with your child. According to the Mayo Clinic, baby sign… read more
Eating Right After Baby: The Postpartum Diet
You’ve had your baby, and all your focus is on your new bundle of joy. However, you have just gone through a grueling labor and delivery process, and your hormones are likely out of whack. That is why it is… read more
Is Handwriting Still Important?
When was the last time you wrote a letter to someone? Some may answer, “never,” while others begin to reflect on days long ago. Our reliance on phones, tablets and computers fundamentally changed how we communicate with others. Yet many… read more
Should You Be Worried About Your Child’s Attachment to a Toy?
Who didn't have a favorite teddy bear or stuffed animal that they loved as a young child? In fact, a third of adults admit they can’t bear to part with their own childhood toy, according to research published in the… read more
7 Aches & Pains of Pregnancy
As your home and heart are filled with the joyful anticipation of bringing a new life into the world, be informed on how your body may respond to this exciting change during pregnancy and what you can do to ease… read more
Understanding the Placenta
Pregnancy is a beautiful and exciting time in a woman’s life, but it can also be confusing and even scary for first-time expecting moms. We’re guessing you’ve stocked up on all the “What to Expect ...” types of books you… read more