Conception 2 College

Crafting With Toddlers

Make Crafting With Toddlers Easy and Fun!

You probably see the word “craft” and say “No way!” Crafting with toddlers may bring to mind lumps of ooey-gooey play dough, stamp pads and Popsicle sticks that create a mess on the dining room table. Trust me, I have been there. However, for your… read more

Help Your Kids Make Sense of Money

Yesterday, I was in the bank drive-thru depositing some checks, when my almost-6-year-old piped up from the back seat, “Momma, why do you have to put your papers in that tube thing?” I explained that the “papers” were actually money… read more

How to Enforce the P’s & Q’s

Our children are a reflection of us, and the earlier they are taught the difference between what’s right and what’s wrong, the better. Teaching little ones manners can be tricky, and sometimes they just don’t understand that picking their nose… read more


Encourage Your Child’s Curiosity

Children naturally become very curious at the age of 4, asking questions over and over a thousand times a day, driving most parents batty! Although it may get tiresome, this behavior is healthy and exactly what they are supposed to be doing at this age. By… read more

Introducing Baby to Your Pet

Our pets are typically in tune with us and are aware when our lives begin to change, including the impending arrival of a new baby. If you are expecting the arrival of a new bundle of joy, you will want… read more

The Importance of Teaching Body Positivity

Children learn how to operate in the world based largely upon the influence of their parents and the examples they set. American culture and media messages place emphasis on certain (often unhealthy) body ideals that children may internalize. By discussing… read more

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