As parents, we typically associate the term hazing with college campuses and binge drinking. How many times in the course of your parenting journey have you said, “It won’t happen to my kids”? But it might. Today, hazing is not only limited to colleges and, sadly, it… read more
Conception 2 College
Calming Those Kindergarten Nerves — for Both Parents and Kids!
Starting kindergarten can be a nerve-racking experience for both you and your child. For some children, kindergarten marks the first time that they will spend a prolonged period of time away from family, which can be hard for your kiddo (and you!) to adapt to. But kindergarten doesn’t… read more
When Your Teen is the Passenger
When Marlo Walpole’s son began driving, she had some ground rules for him. Among them were no cell phone use, no driving to a location she did not approve, and he needed to tell her when he left and when… read more
The Truth About Oral Thrush
No one wants to see velvety white spots growing in their baby’s mouth. But, if you notice this sign, chances are your baby may have something called oral thrush. Noticing this might confuse and worry parents. But oral thrush is extremely common… read more
Should Your Tween Get a Summer Job?
Summer is finally here, and that means pool days, camp, trips to the beach, play dates and lots of free time for your tween. While school may be out — and your tween certainly deserves a break from homework and… read more
Ready, Set, Swim: When Can I Start Swim Training My Baby?
When Nicole Beasley Becker’s then one-year-old son began jumping in the pool without warning, she knew she and her husband had to take action with swim training. “He had no fear and would just jump in to the pool without… read more
Tips for Baby’s First Vacation
Vacations are meant to be relaxing and enjoyable, a time away from the hassles of daily life when you and your family can make memories together that will last a lifetime. However, when you have an infant to care for,… read more
How to Overcome Setbacks and Press Reset: A Meditation Guide for Tweens
Life can be hard. During the tween years, hormones are wreaking havoc on young bodies and emotions. School increases in intensity, social cliques form, kids get more involved in sports and afterschool activities. Tweens may also start using social media… read more
Birthing Baby at Home: A Tale of Two Moms
When Jenny Hill was pregnant with her first daughter 12 years ago, she toured the prospective hospital where she would give birth and began to have doubts on what she wanted from her delivery experience. The setting felt too clinical… read more
How To Ease Maternity Aches And Pains
Pregnancy is beautiful but far from painless. If you’ve had a child or are expecting a child, this is no surprise to you. Pregnancy can come with many aches and pains, but there are things you can do that may… read more