There are many “firsts” in a child’s life, but the first day of school is possibly one of the most significant. The idea of being away from mom and dad for hours at a time can be scary for your… read more
Conception 2 College
Lose the Pooch: How to Correct Diastasis Recti
If you are struggling to lose that last bit of baby fat, we may have just found your answer, and that answer is that it is not fat! The miracle of childbirth is often accompanied by morning sickness, cravings, involuntary… read more
Help Your Kiddos Stay Connected While Social Distancing
Even though kiddos are back in school, whether bring and mortar or virtual, their daily schedules are still very different than before. Maybe they haven't been able to see their best friends, teammates or grandparents for months on end? Help… read more
How Does The Way We Talk Affect Our Babies’ Language Development?
There’s something about babies that brings out this unfamiliar voice and vocabulary. Suddenly, we’re speaking in a higher pitch and making up words like “boogly googly” and “nosey wosey.” But, how is this affecting our babies' language development? Brandee Charles,… read more
6 of Our Favorite Pregnancy Podcasts
A podcast is like a close friend... full of information, humor and real-life situations. From politics to education tips, podcasts come in many different topics for just about everyone. We’ve rounded out our favorite pregnancy podcasts for you baby-waitin’ mommas,… read more
18 of Our Favorite Toddler Books!
Your 2 or 3-year-old toddler will now begin to show interest in story lines and characters, rather than just drooling and eating their board books. Reading at this age is more of a bonding experience for you and your little… read more
Voting Cheat Sheet: Help Your Teens Navigate Voting Season
Politics are always a hot topic, and during an election year, it seems to be all anyone is talking about. We hear about it on the news, see it on our social media feed and we can even hear random… read more
Introduce Your Baby to the Love of Reading with These Books
Psychology Today reports that “reading to babies as young as six months of age leads to stronger vocabularies and better early literacy skills four years later, just as the children are getting ready to go to school.” So, there is… read more
College Applications: What Does Your Student REALLY Need to Apply?
Ok, the truth is it’s been roughly 25 years since I last sent in a college application to my local university. I remember submitting a copy of my transcripts, SAT score, a check for $50 and mailing it in. Yes,… read more
Creating a Modern Nursery For You and Baby
Long gone are the days when nurseries had to be strictly pink for girls or baby blue for boys. With modern times, come modern colors, decorations and furniture. Creating a modern nursery depends on not only what you think would… read more