Calcium deficiency in children is a growing trend worldwide, including in the United States. A study published in the journal Pediatrics showed that most children over 8 years old do not get a sufficient amount of calcium, which could increase… read more
Conception 2 College
The Urge to Nest While Pregnant is Real
As you get closer and closer to the birth of your child, you may notice a sudden burst of energy and a strong need to clean and organize your home. Do not worry — you are not alone. A lot… read more
Playing it Safe On the Playground
Playground safety sometimes is the last things your kids think about when they are surrounded by fun! The monkey bars were calling my name, and as my dad watched my two brothers, I climbed up the tall, metal tower. Five… read more
Pregnancy Tips From Real-Life Experiences
Warning, Read at Your Own Risk! Pregnancy Tips from Real Life Experiences You read all the books. You attended the classes. You took the hospital tour. But nothing can prepare you for having a baby like actually having the baby.… read more
How To Stop Kids From Talking Back!
We have all seen them. Teens talking back to their parents with rolling eyes and a rude disposition and think to ourselves, “I would never allow my child to behave that way." It’s hard to imagine our sweet little babies… read more
Keep Track of Baby’s Growth During Their First Year
Babies will change a lot during their first year. Although your baby’s height, weight and head circumference will be measured at each monthly checkup, you may find yourself worrying about her growth between visits to the doctor. Use this helpful… read more
How to Navigate Through a Difficult ‘Tween Attitude’
Rolling eyes. Slamming doors. Deep sighs. Welcome to the tween years. Kids at this age are not little children anymore, but they aren’t quite teenagers either. Nevertheless, they are going through a stage of development where they are building self-confidence… read more
How to Avoid Gamer’s Neck
We’ve all heard that infamous phrase from our parents or grandparents: “Sit up straight!” or “Don’t slouch!” As annoying as it may have been, they were simply making sure we practiced good posture, something that benefits people both physically and… read more
Baby Rashes: Causes and Treatments
The first year of a baby’s life comes along with many challenges, and one of the most common is skin conditions that may pop up. Rashes are often associated with diapers, but they can also come in many forms all over… read more
How To Maintain a Happy Home With an Empty Nest
In the fall of 2019, approximately 9.9 million students attended colleges and universities, and 70% of them chose a school within a 2-hour drive of their home. Coincidence? I think not! While some parents rejoice in their new freedom, some… read more