Parenthood is new and exciting when you are experiencing it for the first time. It is full of changes, firsts and a ton of decisions. From the moment you learn you are expecting, you are faced with countless choices. And… read more
Should You Be Worried About Your Child’s Attachment to a Toy?
Who didn't have a favorite teddy bear or stuffed animal that they loved as a young child? In fact, a third of adults admit they can’t bear to part with their own childhood toy, according to research published in the… read more
Make Mealtime With Picky Eaters a Little Easier
When we start our families, we imagine dinnertime being a relaxing experience with pleasant conversation. If you are the parent of a picky eater, though, it is anything but. In the book “Helping Your Child with Extreme Picky Eating,” authors… read more
The Potential Risks of Thumb-Sucking and How to Break the Habit
When you notice your baby putting her thumb in her mouth for the first time, you pause. “Oh no, should I pull her thumb out?”“Is this going to become a habit?”“What am I freaking out about, she’s only a baby!… read more
How to a Make Quiet Time Kit for Your Toddler
Ask any toddler mom how she feels about quiet time, and you’ll likely get similar reactions: a mix of sighs, “I wish,” and “Wouldn’t that be nice.” Toddlers are naturally curious and active, often leaving parents tired and wishing for… read more
Ready, Set, Potty Train: When Should You Potty Train Your Child?
So — you’ve made it through the newborn phase sleep struggles and may feel like you’re finally in a settled place as a parent. But now it’s time to potty train your child, which can be a very grueling time… read more
How to Handle a Child’s Separation Anxiety at School Drop-Off
You pull up to the school, put the car in the park and sense the tears building in your baby's eyes as they say, “But I just want to stay with you today.” The reality of seeing your little one… read more
Key Nutrients Your Toddler Needs
Meal times can be stressful when you have a toddler who happens to be a picky eater. This is an important time in your child’s life for development. They’re essentially growing a body and need to consume the right key… read more
Make Homemade Nontoxic Playdough For Endless Fun!
Playdough has been the favorite squishy substance of many toddlers all over the world for years! The Play- Doh® that we all know and love was accidentally invented by Joseph and Noah McVicker in 1955 while the two were trying… read more
Help Your Child Cope With Nighttime Fears
Monsters, darkness and ghosts are among the top 10 fears of children, according to “Fears Stress and Trauma: Helping Children Cope” by Edward Robinson. In his book, Robinson reports that these nighttime fears are a normal part of a child’s… read more