You feel a tug on your arm in the middle of the night and what is standing beside you is a wet, uncomfortable child. Although bed-wetting is very common, it doesn’t make it any less exhausting for parents and embarrassing… read more
Becoming Bilingual: Teaching Toddlers Another Language
Before Lauren and Jose Soberon even had children, they began having the important discussion of how they should teach their child Spanish. Both from Cuban backgrounds, Jose and Lauren had very different exposure to Spanish while growing up. Jose grew… read more
Getting Your Child Ready for Preschool
Summer is in full swing and although it may be hard to believe, in just a few short weeks, our Facebook and Instagram feeds will be full of first day of school photos. For parents whose toddler may be starting… read more
Early Detection: The early signs of autism
By Elayza Gonzalez When it comes to autism, the earlier parents are able to detect it, the better the outcome for the child. According to Autism Speaks, early intensive behavioral intervention for children with autism spectrum disorders (ASD) can help… read more
“Mommy, Don’t Go!”: How to Deal with Separation Anxiety
When I dropped my children off at preschool for the first time, I am sure I was much more upset than they were. They did not even seem to care that I was leaving — they were much more interested… read more
Spending the Day Away: Choosing the Right Child Care Facility
By April Tisher No matter what ages your children are, making the decision about who will care for them when you are away from them is a big one. Whether you are leaving your infant in a full-time day care center while you return to… read more
10 Of Our Favorite Children’s CDs
By Colleen McTiernan There’s no shortage of children’s music, that’s for sure. But sorting out the fun-for-my-kid-and-bearable-me music from the stuff that’s sure to get on your nerves is tough. Below are some of our personal favorites along with some… read more
Learning with Toys
A couple weeks ago, as I was digging through my 4-year-old’s toys in the garage to find some things for my 8-month-old to play with, I was thinking about the number and variety of toys we have collected over almost… read more