“You’ll get worms!” Is this just something moms like to use as a scare tactic, or is it something to really be concerned about? My mom swears she used to buy sterilized sand for my sandbox when I was a… read more
Navigating Type 1 Diabetes: A Family’s Journey
November is National Diabetes Awareness month. World Diabetes Day is Nov. 14. Here is one family's journey with type 1 diabetes. “Type 1 diabetes (T1D) is a chronic autoimmune disease. This means that it doesn’t go away. Anyone can be… read more
Learn the Dangers of Too Much Sugar
It’s an easy trap to fall into. Candy as treats when potty training, going out for ice cream as a reward for good grades, hot chocolate after school on cold days. Sugary foods are quick and easy to utilize when… read more
Understanding Pediatric Circadian Rhythm Disorder
One of the most unfading — and perhaps haunting — memories of parenthood are the restless, sleepless nights tending to your infant’s every need. From late-night diaper changes to midnight milk cravings, it’s a hump seemingly every parent must get… read more
Plagiocephaly: Why Some Babies Develop Flat Spots and What to Do About It
Plagiocephaly is the medical term to describe a attened area on a baby’s skull. This condition is sometimes referred to by physicians as “Flat Head Syndrome” and may impact up to 46% of healthy infants, according to Boston Children’s Hospital.… read more
Health Anxiety in Children: It’s Real and Needs Our Attention
Picture 11-year-old Joseph. His grandfather recently passed away after a long bout of cancer. Unfortunately, it was not without pain and suffering, for which Joseph got a front row seat. Now, months after his grandfather’s passing, he has started to… read more
How to Minimize Exposure to Harmful Chemicals in Everyday Products
Science has developed some ground-breaking products over the years that make life easier for us. However, some of these products hit the market only to find out later that they include chemicals that cause long-lasting impacts to both human health… read more
How to Steer Clear of Fall Allergies
As we enter into the fall season, we expect cooler temperatures and changing leaves, but something that is often overlooked is the onset of fall allergies. In the Southeast, fall allergies usually begin in the middle of August and subside… read more
Say “NO”: How to Set Personal Boundaries
One of the keys to good time management is the ability to say no when necessary. All of us know the feeling of overload. Reducing or eliminating that feeling isn’t a matter of figuring out how to do more in… read more
Busy Mom Fitness: A 25-Minute Routine for Busy Moms
Parenting is a full-time job. Regardless of whether you spend your days chasing children or sitting behind a desk, life is busy. It can be easy to put your own health on hold while taking care of others. However, maintaining a… read more