There is nothing more fun than getting the family together for a day of sun, surf and smiles. Our beaches are home to lots of amazing animals, sights and shells, so, why not engage in a fun beach time scavenger… read more
Tips on How to Teach them to Hold a Pencil Correctly
Crawling, walking and saying the first word — we are all aware of the “big” milestones for our children. However, just as it’s important for children to learn how to write and color, parents should recognize that, to do this,… read more
11 Ways to Save the Planet
Although Earth Day is April 22, our one and only planet should be cherished 365 per year. Teaching your children how to be environmentally conscious from a young age will not only help the planet now but as they grow… read more
Choosing the Best Homeschool Curriculum
As we look forward to the end of the school year, it’s only natural for homeschooling families to start planning for the next. It’s often during this time that we begin our annual evaluations and reflect upon what worked well… read more
Teaching Critical Thinking
Thinking is how we move from one action to the next, form coherent sentences that we use to communicate to determining what to wear. However, our thinking is shaped by our lives and the ideologies we live within (such as… read more
How to Motivate the Unmotivated Homeschool Student
Let’s be honest. We all have days when we just want to stay in bed all day. The last thing we want to do is get up, make sure everyone gets their schoolwork done, and go to co-op, music lessons… read more
Preparing for Your Annual Homeschool Evaluation
An annual homeschool evaluation reviews your homeschooling program to ensure that it meets the requirements set by the state. Preparing for a yearly homeschool evaluation can be a stressful experience for both parents and students. However, with careful planning and… read more
Do You Pay to Make the Grade?
The start of a new school year brings hope that this year will be just as good, or even better, than the last. However, as the year carries on, are they still motived to do well in school? You want to… read more
Should I Keep a Gradebook?
The freedom we enjoy as homeschoolers is great, but it comes with a host of decisions to make. One of the most common is the decision to keep a gradebook or not. The answer to that question is not a… read more
2022 After School Program Guide
Giggle Magazines's 2022 After School Program Guide is your resource for a wide variety of after school programs in our area. You can download a PDF version of the education guide by clicking here. You can also find the full guide in… read more