I’ve seen the twinkle in my parents’ eyes when they find out we are coming to visit. Bringing my little people to see their grandparents always make my eyes twinkle, too, although perhaps a little less, as I am tasked… read more
#MomHacks: Thanksgiving Hacks to Save the Day!
We all know that the hardest job you can have is being a mom! The days are definitely long and the years are astonishingly short and some days you might feel like you’re going through the struggles alone. But, we… read more
Update Your Kid’s Room On A Small Budget
While that adorable farm animal theme may have been just perfect for your newborn, it is quite possible that your 6-year-old is more into super heroes now than cuddly sheep. If you are ready to update your kiddo’s space but… read more
“But Mommy said I could!” Managing Parenting Differences
Take a look around your neighborhood, playground or child’s school, and you will see a variety of parenting styles. The “helicopter” parent who monitors every step the child makes, not only knows the names of her friends, but also her… read more
Avoid Being “Unfriended” During Election Season
My husband and I learned early on how to protect our marriage: we avoid politics. As two opinionated people on opposite sides of the spectrum, we became frustrated with each other during our first presidential election as a dating couple. Had we been on Facebook at… read more
Do You Have a Favorite Child?
Ross and Monica Gellar are the rival siblings of our generation. The TV sitcom “Friends” depicted Ross as the favorite child, a “medical miracle,” who could do no wrong in his parents’ eyes. Monica was often criticized for her appearance,… read more
#ParentHacks: Best Summer Vacation Spots for the Kids
We all know that the hardest job you can have is being a parent! The days are definitely long and the years are astonishingly short. Some days you might feel like you’re going through the struggles alone. But, we are… read more
Money Saving Apps at Your Fingertips
We use our smartphones all the time. Like it or not, from connecting to scheduling to entertaining to capturing all the important moments, they seem to be here to stay. And since they are always at our fingertips, we might… read more
The Season For Strawberries is Here!
‘Tis the season for sweet, juicy strawberries! With the winter months subsiding and spring approaching, everyone’s favorite fruit is ripe for the picking – so bring the kids along and pick some yourself! Click here for our list of strawberry… read more
Get Organized in 2024!
Professional organizer Helen Kornblum helps us find easy ways to keep our busy family lives organized. "Organizing the kitchen begins with one drawer." Resolve to Organize In 2024! We all know the drill. After months of holiday distractions, we resolve… read more