Individualized Education Programs (IEPs) are required by federal law for all students receiving special education services. They outline the specific programs, services, accommodations and modifications a student will receive each year. Parental involvement in the IEP process is critical for… read more
Special Needs
Stress Free Holiday
Most people think of stress as a bad thing — those physical and mental sensations that occur when we’re too busy, overwhelmed or can’t handle one more thing. The truth is that many things cause stress, and not all of… read more
Traveling When You Have a Child Who is Chronically Ill
All around us, we hear friends and co-workers talking about their summer travel plans. For many families that have a child who is chronically ill, the possibility of traveling brings with it many emotions. We want to travel. We want… read more
Milestones: Children with Disabilities
Many of us who love children with disabilities have heard the famous poem, “Welcome to Holland,” by Emily Kingsley. It tells the story of a parent who embarks on a journey to Italy. She plans for Italy, packs for Italy… read more
Visual Impairments: Focus on the Future
People have a lot of misconceptions about those who are blind or have low vision. Many are surprised to learn that having a visual impairment doesn’t necessarily mean that someone is completely blind or without sight. Some people who are… read more
Unlocking a Wonderful Summer: Essential Tips to Empower Children with Special Needs Through Transitions!
What are your favorite summer memories? Maybe they involve spending time with friends or a memorable family vacation. As a child, you likely longed for those summer months when you could sit back and relax. Or at least slow down… read more
Sensory-Friendly Birthday Parties
A sensory-friendly birthday party is one that is designed to accommodate individuals who may be oversensitive to certain stimuli, such as loud noises, bright lights or strong smells. These parties can be an excellent option for children with autism or… read more
What You Need To Know About the 504 and IEP
IEP, 504, ESE, SLP, OT, PT, oh my! Special education is so full of acronyms that we can have an entire conversation that sounds like another language. It can be overwhelming for those new to special education, whether they’re parents,… read more