Special Needs

Making the Most of Your Child’s IEP Meeting

Individualized Education Programs (IEPs) are required by federal law for all students receiving special education services. They outline the specific programs, services, accommodations and modifications a student will receive each year. Parental involvement in the IEP process is critical for… read more

Stress Free Holiday

Stress Free Holiday

Most people think of stress as a bad thing — those physical and mental sensations that occur when we’re too busy, overwhelmed or can’t handle one more thing. The truth is that many things cause stress, and not all of… read more

Sensory-Friendly Birthday Parties

A sensory-friendly birthday party is one that is designed to accommodate individuals who may be oversensitive to certain stimuli, such as loud noises, bright lights or strong smells. These parties can be an excellent option for children with autism or… read more

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