Fun Reindeer Food Craft For Your Kids!

By Nicole Irving, Publisher and Editor-In-Chief
Wooden reindeer

This simple three-ingredient reindeer food craft is sure to win big smiles this holiday season. It is perfect for family gatherings with little ones!

Make a batch of this reindeer food with your kiddos on Christmas Eve day. Then – after dinner and before bedtime stories – sprinkle it out in the yard and up to the fireplace or door to help guide the reindeer and Santa!


  • 1 cup oatmeal
  • 1 cup sprinkles 
  • 1 cup sugar

Note: Never use glitter, as it is harmful for animals to eat! 


1. Grab a bowl and have the kiddos mix together oatmeal, sugar and sprinkles. 

2. Stir gingerly with a spoon. 

3. As a family, sprinkle the reindeer food craft on the lawn on Christmas Eve!

Reindeer Food Poem

“Sprinkle on your lawn at night, the moon will make it sparkle bright.
As Santa reindeer fly and roam, this will help guide them to your home!” 

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