Micanopy Native American Heritage Preserve

406 SE Tuscawilla Road,,
Micanopy, FL 32667


Family Fun

Centuries after the last residents left the village along it, Lake Tuscawilla is now an open prairie. But this village site is sacred ground.

Founded in 1821, the town of Micanopy is the oldest inland settlement in Florida, but this Alachua Tradition village site is centuries older. The purpose of this preserve is to protect its archeological footprint, including a burial mound.

If the parking area is chained, the preserve is closed. The parking area is shared with adjacent Tuscawilla Preserve.

This is not a place to walk in open sandals, given the large amounts of tread softly (Cnidoscolus stimulosus) in the footpath, painful to brush bare skin against.

Fees / Permits: free

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