Here is an Elijah’s Cup craft for your kiddos that they can use during Passover. Help your kids make their very own Elijah’s Cup decorated with yarn!
Elijah’s Cup
- Plastic drinking cup with a stem
- Yarn in various colors
- craft glue or hot glue
- Beads, glitter or sequins

Disposable Stemmed Glasses
To start the Elijah’s Cup craft, take the plastic drinking cup and connect the cup to the stem. Add some glue to the outside of your cup, and start wrapping yarn around the cup, starting at the stop and wrapping it to the bottom (continue adding glue as you go). When you are done with the yarn, finish decorating the cup with glitter, beads or sequins! Let your kiddo get creative. Set the cup somewhere to dry completely. Now, your kiddo will have their Elijah cup ready to use during Passover.
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