Meet Super Dad Gabriel Henao!

By Giggle Magazine
Super Dad graphic

Meet one of our Super Dads, Gabriel Henao!

Where do you work and what do you do for a living?

Gainesville VA, Orthotist/ Prosthetist (make artificial limbs for amputees)

Name and ages of kiddos?

Nikolas (7), Elena (4)

If you could be any superhero, who would it be and why?

Hulk, he’s strong and sometimes gets a little angry.

What is your favorite part of being a dad?

Watching my kids grow up.

What is your most memorable dad moment?

The birth of my children.

If you could give two pieces of advice to a new dad, what would it be?

Nobody has all the answers to raising kids and you only get one shot to raise your children.

What is the hardest part of being a dad?

Not being able to prevent my kids from getting hurt.

What do you hope your children learn the most from you?

That with hard work and the right attitude anything is possible.

Share a “Dad fails” moment that you learned from or laughed about!

I learned that Waze is a lot smarter than I am when a 2-hour trip turned into a 5-hour excursion.

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