#ParentHacks: First Week of School Survival Tips

By Giggle Magazine
Child doing school work

We all know that the hardest job you can have is being a parent! The days are definitely long and the years are astonishingly short. Some days you might feel like you’re going through the struggles alone. But, we are here to share some tips and tricks from local parents that can make being a mom or dad a little less stressful! Here are some first week of school survival tips from fellow parents!

First Week of School Tips

Try to do a “slow” wake up, meaning you start to wake them up a good 30 minutes earlier and let them decompress so they’re ready to go. Also build in an additional 30-45 minutes into your schedule because traffic is a nightmare!

I wake up an hour earlier so I can make breakfast to go for the whole family. The night before, my daughter gets her clothes, water bottle and the rest of her stuff ready.

We start our morning routine the week before school actually starts. Waking up early, eating breakfast without the TV on, etc. We use a “chore” chart but instead of chores, it’s their morning routine. They get to check off each task as they do it. Keeps them motivated to brush teeth, hair, etc.

I start setting a routine a week or so before school actually starts, so my children get into the groove of things: going to bed early, waking up early, whatever breakfast expectation there may be, and so on.

I do “first day of school” pics the day before! Saves time in the morning and no one feels additional rush!

You definitely start their school routine at least one week in advance. Depending on the child (some need two weeks). Make sure their clothes, accessories and backpacks are ready the night before. Make sure you are up ahead of time dressed with breakfast ready. The more your child sees that you are organized and excited about the new school year, the calmer and more successful they will be (even if you’re running yourself ragged, make sure it’s behind the scenes).

Ziplock bag breakfast in the car… and not only the first week!

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