Today, Alachua County Public Schools released the calendar for the 2025-2026 school year. That means time to updated those family calendars with all the important school dates and vacations times. This updated calendar reflects the current start date for all Alachua County Public Schools (ACPS) which will be Monday, August 11. The last day of
Tips to Prevent Chapped Lips in Cold Weather
Chapped lips are literally a pain during the winter season. We have so much fun spending time outdoors and enjoying this break in the heat, but having chapped lips can make fun days less enjoyable when the cold and wind hit our dry, cracked lips. What causes chapped lips? Our lips are full of moisture
Print Out Giggle’s 25 Fun Family Christmas Activities Checklist!
Now that December is here and the holidays are in full swing, we have a fun family Christmas activities checklist for you to do this month! Print out this checklist and post it on the fridge to check off with your family! Click here to download the printable for FREE! Related articles: Adopt A Furry
Cute Snow Globe Crafts To Make With Your Kids!
Bring a little winter wonderland inside with these cute and easy-to-make Snow Globe Crafts. Fun for kids of all ages, with a little imagination and some cute details, the ideas are endless! What You'll Need: Mini trees (available at Michaels) Plastic or ceramic figurines Glass jar Acrylic paint (optional) Sandpaper Clear-drying epoxy Glitter Glycerin What
#MomHacks: Thanksgiving Hacks to Save the Day!
We all know that the hardest job you can have is being a mom! The days are definitely long and the years are astonishingly short and some days you might feel like you’re going through the struggles alone. But, we are here! To share in the good, the bad, and the moments when all you
Hands are for Playing: Fostering Fine Motor Skills in Young Children
When parents think of their children attending preschool or kindergarten, they may imagine their child playing with Play-Doh, building with blocks and making intricate pieces of macaroni art — the normal kid stuff we think of young school children doing. The truth is that this child’s play, while vital to the normal growth and development
7 Family-Friendly Halloween Movies
Halloween is notorious for being a holiday filled with frights. From haunted houses to scary movies, it can sometimes be too much for little children. These seven family-friendly Halloween movies are all appropriate for children. Some might be a bit scarier than others, but overall, they are perfect for a Halloween-themed family movie night! Family-Friendly
Teen Curfew: Be Home by Midnight!
When I was a teenager, I was certain I was the ONLY one who had a curfew. This wasn’t true of course, but my parents were stricter than others. I tried to get around this by spending the night with friends who had a later one than I did and yes, on occasion, I got
ACPS Starts the Free Summer Meals Program Next Week
Alachua County Public Schools will be providing meals to families over the summer now that school is officially out with the Free Summer Meals program. Beginning June 3 and continuing through the summer until July 26, the district’s free grab and go meals distribution will be available, according to the Alachua County Public Schools Food
What To Do When Your Baby Has a Cough
Coughing is a natural reflex the body uses to clear the lungs and airways. But when a baby has a cough, a parent’s first instinct is often to worry. Sometimes a cough is just a cough, and other times it calls for a trip to the doctor. Understanding what causes coughing and the different types