In efforts to keep Alachua County healthy and safe, Alachua County Public Schools (ACPS) Food and Nutrition Services has been distributing meals around the community during the COVID-19 pandemic. Today, the team passed a milestone by distributing over one million meals to children. "Today's total reached 1,019,122," said Jackie Johnson, PIO for ACPS. "The food
ACPS Cancel EDEP and Camp Crystal Summer Programs
Alachua County Public Schools just announced that both the Extended Day Enrichment and Camp Crystal summer programs are canceled. “This was a hard decision because these programs are so popular with children and families,” Superintendent Karen Clarke said in a press release. “But the safety and well-being of students and staff has to take priority.”
Meet Kirk Tapley, Alachua County’s Teacher of the Year
Sometimes in life we come across people who radiate passion. The ones you could sit and listen to for hours, just because they’re so excited about what they do. The ones who respond with, “How much time do we have?” when you ask about their favorite part of their job. When Kirk Tapley walks into
Gov. Ron DeSantis Gives Updates on Phase One of Reopening the State of Florida
Governor Ron DeSantis held a press conference on April 29 outlining Florida's approach for reopening the state on May 4. DeSantis explained that the state will be following a "Safe. Smart. Step-by-Step" plan in regards to reopening the state of Florida. Phase One of the plan will allow restaurants to reopen outdoor seating and open
Celebrate the Class of 2020 on Facebook Watch in May
While Alachua County has yet to announce how it will proceed regarding high school graduations during COVID-19, Facebook has decided to do something special for graduates across the country with #Graduation2020: Facebook and Instagram Celebrate the Class of 2020. This virtual commencement ceremony will start on May 15 at 2 p.m. and it will be
ACPS Will Host a Telephone Town Hall Meeting This Thursday
If you, like many other parents, have questions and concerns about your schools, students and education during COVID-19, Alachua County Public Schools (ACPS) is hosting a Telephone Town Hall meeting on Thursday, April 30. “On Thursday, April 30 from 6 to 7 p.m., you’ll have an opportunity to ask questions and hear from Superintendent Karen
Alachua County Sheriff Announces Safety Patrol Trip is Canceled
The 2020 Washington DC Safety Patrol Trip is now canceled, according to the Alachua County Sheriff's Office. After originally postponing the trip, Sheriff Sadie Darnell said, "After exhausting all reasonable alternatives, the Alachua County Sheriff’s Office and Educational Tours have decided it best to change the status of the 2020 Washington DC Safety Patrol Trip
ACPS Controlled School Choice Application is Now Open
The Alachua County Public Schools (ACPS) controlled school choice and open enrollment application that was postponed due to COVID-19 is now open for the 2020-21 academic year. The window to apply for controlled school choice ends on May 8, according to an ACPS news release. "Parents must apply online on the district’s Office of Student
Gov. DeSantis Announces K-12 Students Will Continue Distance Learning Through the End of the School Year
During a coronavirus press briefing on Saturday (April 17) afternoon, Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis announced that K-12 students in the state will move forward and continue to attend school via distance learning until the end of the school year. We will continue to update you as information develops. For updates on Alachua County Public Schools,
ACPS Food and Nutrition Services Work to Get Food To Local Families
The Alachua County Public Schools (ACPS) Food and Nutrition Services work to provide families in Alachua County with plenty of food during the COVID-19 pandemic. In addition to the meals that ACPS students already receive through their schools, ACPS distributed 155,522 meals across the county this week, according to Jackie Johnson, Public Information Officer for