I was 25 years old when I had my first baby, who is now sitting next to me working on kindergarten math problems while my toddler sleeps. Prior to having kids, I never fully understood the absolute joy and crushing responsibility of being a parent. As my kids’ primary caregiver, kisser of boo boos and
Bump to the Pump: How Do Working Moms Balance Breastfeeding?
The number of breast-fed babies in Florida continues to rise. In 2017, 58.3% of infants were breastfeeding at 6 months, according to the CDC Breastfeeding Report Card. So, how do moms balance breastfeeding with employment? Fortunately, there’s a law for that. It is called the Break Time for Nursing Mothers Law. Under the Fair Labor
Do You Let Your Kiddos Pick Out Their Own Clothes?
It’s time to walk out the door and your child refuses to take off the pirate costume (or striped shirt with plaid skirt), mismatched shoes and miscellaneous accessories. In a sigh of frustration, you ask your child to change clothes into something more “appropriate” and you’re met with a tantrum. What’s the next step? Do
Help Me Help You: Teaching Your Children to Self-Advocate
We are all unique in one way or another, from our preferences and dislikes to allergies and other medical conditions. As adults, we do not think twice to ask for non-fat milk in our coffee. We learn to speak up when ordering food with any special requests; “no onions, please.” Our children all have characteristics
10 FREE Things To Do In Gainesville With Your Kiddos!
Whether you live in the swamp or are just visiting, Gainesville has a lot to offer to its people. It can become difficult to keep your kiddos occupied during these last days of summer while staying on a budget. Here are 10 free things to do in Gainesville with your kids! Due to COVID-19, make
6 Best Self-Tanners for a Year-Round Glow
Fake It ‘Til You Make It! When a world-wide pandemic strikes and you feel like you haven't seen the sun in months, self-tanners are the way to go when you want to feel a little glowy. Self-tanner come in a variety of forms, shades and applications, so we have put together a list of the
ACPS Held COVID Vaccine Clinic for 65-and-Older Employees
Today, January 15, Alachua County Public Schools held a COVID vaccine clinic for ACPS employees who were 65 years old or older. More clinics will be held in the future as the ACPS works with UF Health. There were 210 spots available for getting the vaccine, and employees who were eligible were contacted prior to
5 Ways to Talk To Your Child About Bullying
As parents, we send our children into the world hoping that they come back every day with more knowledge and more confidence. In some cases, unfortunately, bullying can get in the way. Bullying can have serious short- and long-term effects, according to PBS Parents. These include anxiety, low self-esteem and the desire to skip school
ACPS Rezoning Update and New Terwilliger Elementary Location
After a special rezoning meeting yesterday, January 13, Alachua County Public School (ACPS) has decided that Terwilliger Elementary School will move into the new Elementary School I, and district-wide ACPS rezoning will hopefully be completed by fall 2022. According to Superintendent Dr. Carlee Simon in an email to families, this is the first step in
ACPS Launches New User-Friendly COVID Dashboard
Alachua County Public Schools has updated their website to have a more user-friendly COVID Dashboard for students, families and the general public. Now it will be easier to get information on COVID-19 cases in local schools. "The new dashboard includes additional information on monthly, weekly, even daily trends in cases going back to the first