memorial day

Gainesville Memorial Day Events and Activities

With Memorial Day weekend approaching, we have put together a list of Gainesville Memorial Day events and activities! Florida Folk Festival Friday, May 24 -Sunday, May 2610 a.m.Stephen Foster Folk Culture Center State Park This three-day event celebrates the music, dance, stories, crafts and food that make Florida the place we love! There will be

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watermelon festival

The Annual Newberry Watermelon Festival is This Weekend!

The Newberry Watermelon Festival is an old tradition in Newberry, 79 years old to be exact! This year, the festival will held on  Saturday, May 18, as the small town comes together for the 79th time! At the Newberry Watermelon Festival, you can expect live entertainment, vendors, food trucks, kids' activities and lots of watermelons!

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grilled cheese

Jazz Up Your Grilled Cheese For Grilled Cheese Day!

Friday, April 12 is National Grilled Cheese Sandwich Day! Instead of celebrating with your basic go-to grilled cheese, try one of these recipes for a twist on a classic! Guacamole Grilled Cheese Servings: 4 For the guacamole 3 avocadoes, peeled and pitted 1 ½ teaspoons salt 1 lime, juiced 5 cloves garlic, minced 2 small

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elijah cup

Make This Elijah’s Cup Craft For Passover

Here is an Elijah's Cup craft for your kiddos that they can use during Passover. Help your kids make their very own Elijah's Cup decorated with yarn! Elijah's Cup Supplies Plastic drinking cup with a stem Yarn in various colors craft glue or hot glue Beads, glitter or sequins Disposable Stemmed Glasses Directions To start

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How to Navigate Your Tween Through a Break Up

According to the American Academy of Pediatrics, today the average age that kids start dating is 12 and a half for girls, and 13 and a half for boys. In addition, the dating scene for many of these tweens consists of talking, group dates, texting and social gatherings. It can be normal to be “dating”

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baby succulent

Make Your Home Earth-Friendly for Earth Day!

Earth Day is on April 22! Cleaning up the Earth can start right at home. Make your home earth friendly with some simple fixes that will cut down on your ecological footprint and help clean our motherland. Stop Buying Disposable Products The impact that we have on the environment, or our ecological footprint, can be

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sibling rivalry

National Sibling Day: How To Handle Sibling Rivalry

April 10 is National Sibling Day! Having siblings can be one of the biggest blessings, and the same goes for being the parents of siblings. Watching your children interact together and build strong relationships together is amazing, but sometimes sibling rivalries can create temporary obstacles as your children grow up with each other. If your

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5 Benefits of Sending Your Child to Summer Camp

As the summer season approaches, parents begin to worry about where their child is going to be spending the summer. Most typical jobs work through the summer and a lot of parents face leaving their older kids home alone until they can finish the workday. Well, we're here to share with you benefits of sending

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celebrate easter

Celebrate Easter With These Crafts and Activities!

As Easter Sunday approaches, it's time to get in the spirit! Whether it’s getting crafty with DIY decorations or special holiday treats the kids can help with, here are 4 things the family can do to celebrate Easter. 1. Egg Carton Flowers Instead of throwing out Egg cartons after you finish, cut them up in

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Spring Roll Ingredients

Make These Easy Spring Rolls to Welcome Spring!

Spring is here and it is the perfect time share a dish that is beloved world-wide - Spring Rolls! A classic and refreshing Vietnamese dish, these spring rolls combine fresh vegetables, shrimp and customary garnishes to complement any springtime gathering. A family favorite in the Bledsoe house, these are easy and simple for kids of

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