nontoxic playdough

Make Homemade Nontoxic Playdough For Endless Fun!

Playdough has been the favorite squishy substance of many toddlers all over the world for years! The Play- Doh® that we all know and love was accidentally invented by Joseph and Noah McVicker in 1955 while the two were trying to make wallpaper cleaner. Play-Doh® was marketed a year later by a toy manufacturer, and

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Holiday Budgeting

7 Tips for Holiday Budgeting

To Scrooge or not to Scrooge? That is the question. The holidays are a season of giving, which also means it’s the season of spending. Buying the perfect gift for everyone can force you to spend more than you can afford, stripping the joy from giving. Santa may do it, but you don’t have to.

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Holiday Hacks

4 Holiday Hacks For Busy Parents

Time is money, money is time! So, save some time and money this holiday season by cutting corners and diving in to some of our favorite holiday hacks and fun this year! Your family and wallet will thank you for it! Hack #1 Reuse, Recycle, Re-Giftwrapping We all have a mom, aunt or grandmother that

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christmas cookies

7 New Christmas Cookie Ideas for The Holidays!

‘Tis the season for baking Christmas cookies! For some, it's a holiday tradition with your kids, and for others, it's baking therapy to get yourself ready for the holiday madness. Regardless of the reason why you make Christmas cookies, maybe it’s time to revamp your cookies this year! Check out some of these new and

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6 Snacks for the On-The-Go Parent!

Healthy snacks are so important for keeping Mommy and Daddy going. Good snacks provide vitamins and nutrients vital to keeping you ready to go at a moment’s notice when your little ones have recitals and soccer games. Here are six great snacks to keep your motor running. 1. Fruit Fruit is the perfect snack. It’s

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Join GFAA for the last Artwalk of 2023 in celebration of our reception GROWTH. GROWTH is one of GFAA's 5 governing values, and the last exhibition we have for 2023. Don't miss out! There will be live music, hors d'oeuvres, and refreshments! . . . Funded in part by Visit Gainesville, Alachua County.
Sleep Train Your Baby

3 Ways to Sleep Train Your Baby

New parents receive so much unsolicited advice regarding sleep and their newborns. From “never wake a sleeping baby” to “wake the baby every two hours to eat” it can get pretty confusing. Add to that your exhaustion, and who has time to research the best way to get your baby to sleep? We’ve broken down

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Homework supplies

5 Tips for Making Homework Feel Less Like Work

According to “Homework In America,” a 2014 Brown Center Report on American Education, homework for students in third grade through twelve takes an average of one hour per night and rarely exceeds two hours per night. I doubt they factored in the time it takes to actually get your child to sit down and complete

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Pregnant women

Post C-Section Numbness

In 2016, the cesarean (C-section) delivery rate for births in the U.S. was 31.9 percent. approximately one in three women gave birth via C-section, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Many women prepare for side effects of labor and delivery, but women who give birth via C-section can expect different side effects

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nighttime fears

Help Your Child Cope With Nighttime Fears

Monsters, darkness and ghosts are among the top 10 fears of children, according to “Fears Stress and Trauma: Helping Children Cope” by Edward Robinson. In his book, Robinson reports that these nighttime fears are a normal part of a child’s development. They typically start at a young age and may last until middle school. If

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