Turn Over a New Leaf with a Family Tree

Whether you’re 100 percent one ethnicity, a mix of a bunch or have absolutely no idea what your history is, it seems that everyone loves trying to piece together a family tree. Making a family tree is another way to connect to your cultural identity and learn about your ancestors, right in your own home

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protect your home

Protect Your Home During the Summer Months

The temperature is rising. The humidity is surrounding you. You feel the warmth on your face (as always) and the bugs are starting to bite. Summer is here! Florida’s blistering summer months can be an exhausting collection of sweat, rosy cheeks, sunburns and mosquito bites — all of which are seemingly unavoidable unless you permanently

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Trendy Ice Cream Snacks

Check Out These Trendy Ice Cream Snacks

No stranger to the hot, sweltering sun of Florida here in Gainesville, sometimes the heat calls for a refreshing snack. One of the most refreshing snacks of summertime is ice cream, and we are here to provide you with some fun ice cream ideas to celebrate National Ice Cream Day on July 19! While a

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College Alternatives

College Alternatives That Lead to Success

By the time our kiddos grow to be 16, 17 or 18 years old, thoughts like “Which college am I going to go to?” and “What career path do I want to choose?” have already flooded their minds. For many students, the pressure of getting into college can be overwhelming, especially if the student isn’t

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Talk to Me: How To Get Your Teens to Open Up

Remember when they were little and they wouldn’t stop talking? Or maybe you still have one of those non-stop chatters. For many children, the older they get the less they begin to share with their parents about their day; this is often especially true for boys. At the end of the school day, you may

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How to Create a Healthy Home Environment

From our children’s success at school, to how we perform at work, to how happy we are in our relationships with family and friends, many things can be linked back to our healthy home environment. One way to adjust how we look at our home is to break down our activities and improvements into the

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Fertility Issues

The Ups and Downs of Fertility Issues

According to the Mayo Clinic, approximately 10-15% of American couples experience infertility issues, defined as having frequent unprotected sex for at least a year that does not result in pregnancy. About one-third of infertility cases are due to an issue with the man, about one-third are due to an issue with the woman, and the

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Tips and Tricks For Easier Pumping & Breastfeeding

Breastfeeding and pumping is a very personal decision. Deciding how long and whether you’ll be nursing or pumping or both is a decision only you can make. This act of nourishing your baby can be very rewarding, but simplifying the process will make it a more enjoyable experience. (pictured above: Sarah Franklin with her newborn

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Eating Around the World

New Birthday Traditions: Eating Around the World

Everyone had to get creative this year when it came to quarantined birthday celebrations. In my house, we obviously didn’t feel like it would be safe to party with people outside of our household, so what did we do? We started an Around the World Birthday Dinner tradition! Every time a birthday came along in

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Social Isolation

The Pandemic Effect: How Social Isolation Affects Young Children

It’s no doubt that 2020 and the impact of COVID-19 has affected virtually every person on the planet. For infants and children under 2, the influence of the pandemic may not be very apparent as their routines likely didn’t change and they won’t remember it in the future. But what about toddlers and young preschoolers?

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