There’s nothing better than a fresh pot of coffee to brighten your sleep-ridden eyes and recharge your energy for the day ahead. And there’s nothing worse than raising the porcelain mug to your lips, only for a bitter, gritty sensation to invade your taste buds. When was the last time you cleaned your Keurig? We
5 Modern Day Fairy-Tale Books for Your Kiddos
Fairy tales do not always have to be about a damsel in distress waiting for her prince to save the day. Modern day fairy tale books prove that there is more to life than just aspiring to find your perfect prince or flawless princess. These books reflect the importance of love, but they also illustrate
Why Is It So Important for Parents to Get Proper Sleep, Too?
“Get your sleep now!” Soon-to-be parents hear this phrase often before they have their first child, and they learn it immediately soon after their baby is born. We know that newborn sleep is definitely affected, but new studies have shown that this extreme sleep deprivation can actually last until your child starts kindergarten. Indeed, this
6 of Our Favorite Pregnancy Podcasts
A podcast is like a close friend... full of information, humor and real-life situations. From politics to education tips, podcasts come in many different topics for just about everyone. We’ve rounded out our favorite pregnancy podcasts for you baby-waitin’ mommas, so grab your headphones and get listening! Pregnancy Podcast by Vanessa Merten This podcast is
Parenting Failures: Learn How to Turn a Negative Into a Positive
Parenting failures. No, we’re not talking about the funny memes and gifs we see on social media, but actual parenting failures that can cause repercussions for families. Now, more than ever, it’s easy to feel like a failure of a parent. Think about how highly connected we are through our phones, social media and networks
In November, Kiddos Can Visit the Jacksonville Zoo and Gardens for Free
Children under 12 can visit the Jacksonville Zoo and Gardens for free during the entire month of November! Parents can bring up to five children to the zoo for free with the purchase of one adult ticket. This promotion also includes other discounts, and there is no coupon necessary. Leading up to November, the zoo
Healthy Alternatives to Snacks That Kiddos Love
Kiddos love to snack just as much as adults, but there are a lot of hidden dangers like excess sodium and added sugar lurking in the snacks we all love. So, to make your kiddos snacking selections a little more healthy, we have some healthy alternatives to snacks that kiddos love! Apple Fries French fries
#BossMom: Meet Michele Holloway
As a mom, you quite literally do it all! Between working and making sure your kiddo gets to school with a matching pair of shoes, it proves to be the toughest job anyone could do. Our Giggle moms have shared with us what makes them a #BossMom, and we are all for it! Meet Michele
Make Disney Parks Churro Bites for National Dessert Day!
Disney continues to spread the magic into our homes with another beloved Disney recipe! And this time, it's on National Dessert Day, October 14! Disney has shared the recipe for their famous churros that can be found at every Disney park across the world! You can make these Disney Parks Churro Bites right in your
18 of Our Favorite Toddler Books!
Your 2 or 3-year-old toddler will now begin to show interest in story lines and characters, rather than just drooling and eating their board books. Reading at this age is more of a bonding experience for you and your little one rather than a lesson in phonics and grammar, so have fun with it and