Empower Your Daughter

How Can You Empower Your Daughter?

National Daughters Day is Sept. 25! Women are incredibly strong. Over the course of our lives, we’ve preserved through a world that is less than accepting by being broad, fearless and unapologetic. It’s important to encourage our young girls to use their voice in a society that criticizes strong-minded women so that they’re able to

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Teen Curfew: Be Home by Midnight!

When I was a teenager, I was certain I was the ONLY one who had a curfew. This wasn’t true of course, but my parents were stricter than others. I tried to get around this by spending the night with friends who had a later one than I did and yes, on occasion, I got

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teen about depression

How Do You Talk to Your Teen About Depression?

Warning: The following content talks about depression, suicidal thoughts, teenage suicide and the importance of talking to your teen about depression. Imagine getting a phone call from the high school guidance counselor, informing you that your son or daughter was taken to the hospital. You take a breath. Your heart skips a beat. Your mind

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Tweens and Shaving

Tweens and Shaving: Tips for A Smooth Experience

The tween years are full of ups, downs and major body changes. New body odors, hormonal imbalances, mood swings, growth spurts and, last but not least, body hair, can all be expected. Talking to your child about when and how to start shaving will vary for every child, but it’s important to learn some tips

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Kid’s Night Out

Calling all parents for Kid's Night Out at Sun Country Sports Center! Take a well-deserved night off and leave the kids in our capable hands. We've got an expansive multipurpose facility where children aged 3 and up can have a blast while staying safe. Whether you're a Sun Country member or not, everyone is welcome

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Labor Day Weekend

Fun Labor Day Weekend Plans for the Whole Family!

Believe it or not, Labor Day is this Monday! The year is flying by, kiddos are already back in school and I'd say that a day off is much needed – for everyone. Enjoy your Labor Day Weekend in a safe way with these fun plans for the whole family! Carson Springs Drive-Thru Safari The

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Common Pregnancy Myths

Myth Busters: Debunking Common Pregnancy Myths

All moms-to-be are bound to be exposed to common pregnancy myths that are just that — myths! While some tips and facts ring true, others are old wives’ tales that can lead to worry and cause panic for no valid reason at all. It is important that pregnant women do everything they can to ensure

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Instructions for Your Babysitter

Top 10 Must-Have Instructions for Your Babysitter

Every parent knows a good babysitter is hard to find. We’ve compiled a list of must-have instructions for your babysitter to ensure a good experience for everyone. Top 10 Babysitter Instructions 1. Give the babysitter your cell phone numbers and tell her if she should call or text. Also provide an emergency contact name and

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Movement Milestones

How Mobile Devices Affect Movement Milestones

Your child’s movement milestones are building blocks to his success — one can’t work without the other. These milestones that your 4 or 5-year-old should hit are extremely important for their development, both physically and mentally. The Affect of Mobile Devices From October to November 2015, The American Academy of Pediatrics conducted a study on

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supervised bathing

When Can Supervised Bathing Go Down the Drain?

Bathing is a self-care skill that all children need to learn. It is not as simple as telling them to wash behind their ears and calling it a day, as water safety is a big issue. How do we teach our kids to bathe themselves? And once they have learned to wash themselves properly, at

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