Valentine’s Day is an exciting time of year for tweens to interact with peers by delivering kind messages in cards, celebrating at parties and sharing their favorite sweets. But unlike the comfortably predictable annual arrival of Valentine’s Day festivities, anticipating when your child is ready to start dating can be hard to pin down. While
Everything You and Your Family Should Know About The Coronavirus
While the Flu is still making its rounds around Gainesville and Alachua County, another illness has made national headlines. The coronavirus has quickly become one of the most talked about viruses in recent history, and with a good reason. According to Business Insider, the coronavirus has killed more people in the past 6 weeks
3 Nacho Recipes to Make on Super Bowl Sunday!
Super Bowl Sunday is this weekend! What better way than to celebrate than with your own homemade nachos. Enjoy these recipes with your family as you cheer on the Buccaneers or the Chiefs! Classic Nachos Ingredients: Tortilla Chips Ground beef or meat of choice Cheese (shredded) Toppings: salsa, jalapeños, sour cream, green onion and
Have Some Fun Without The Television!
So you gave in and allowed Santa to bring the Xbox 360 this year. You put off having a game system as long as you could, but when you realized the games are as much fun for parents as they are for kiddos, you softened. The fact that you play the games standing up and
Make Everyday Moments Teachable Moments
It is certainly true that many sensitive topics in life (the birds and the bees, drugs, divorce or natural disasters) cause even the most comfortable parents to be a little uneasy. While those conversations may not be a piece of cake to discuss, it is always better if the truth comes from you rather than
Try These At-Home Listening Activities
While listening skills are practiced every day in preschool and kindergarten classrooms, it is up to parents to continue building those listening skills at home. Former kindergarten teacher Ilene Vitkus shared some of her classroom tactics to make at-home listening activities both fun and beneficial. Draw This! Bring out the crayons and paper and instruct
Is a Homeschool Co-op Right for Your Family?
Socialization is widely considered to be a concern for families as they start home schooling. Alachua County and the surrounding areas are blessed to have an incredible level of support for home schooling, one that many other districts in Florida do not share. Without a doubt, the best source of socialization and support comes from
Use These Activities To Bring The Whole Family Together!
The holidays are the perfect time to squeeze in as much together time as possible with those distant relatives and even your own children, as schools are closed and sports and activities generally take a break during this time. But, don’t let the days pass and fill them with TV and Video games. Instead, encourage
Featured Teacher: Amy Tanner
Amy Tanner is our December/January Featured Teacher! Read below about what makes her an amazing featured teacher in Alachua County. AT WHAT SCHOOL DO YOU CURRENTLY WORK? Glen Springs Elementary WHAT GRADE/AGE DO YOU TEACH? I teach in the Project Friends Program, which is Multi-Age (K-2), but teach all our 2nd Graders this year! HOW
How to Conquer the Dreaded First Nail Trim
One of the first daunting tasks for a new parent is to give baby their first nail trim. Those small fingers and toes can be quite scary to cut for the first time. The fear is that you could potentially harm your little one by cutting too close. But like most things you experience on