Around the stage of prepubescence and teenage years, some children can also experience various social and mental health conditions. Social anxiety disorder is one such condition and is described as an intense fear of social situations that may cause a child to be analyzed by others. Children suffering from social anxiety disorder feel intense anxiety
Weeding Out the Weather: A Guide to Winter-Proof Gardens
While a Florida winter feels like a summer vacation in comparison to neighboring states, you don’t want a wilting winter wonderland. Plants freeze in some parts of North Central Florida if temperatures drop enough. Proper care makes all the difference for winter-proof gardens to survive and thrive during a cold snap. Prep your plants Although
4 Creative Popcorn Recipes to Make For Movie Night!
When we think about popcorn, our minds usually jump straight to the massive tubs of overly buttered bright yellow kernels at the movie theaters. Some will say the snack is best enjoyed served hot and on its own, but popcorn lovers would say otherwise. This taste snack has been around and enjoyed since the late
Ewww! Gross Things Kids Do
Kids sometimes do gross things that shock and appall adults. These cringe-worthy habits are part of the developmental process, but just how bad are they? PICKING NOSES Children often stick their fingers up their noses to extract those pesky boogers. Picking your nose can lead to nosebleeds, not to mention all the germs they introduce
Make Homemade Nontoxic Playdough For Endless Fun!
Playdough has been the favorite squishy substance of many toddlers all over the world for years! The Play- Doh® that we all know and love was accidentally invented by Joseph and Noah McVicker in 1955 while the two were trying to make wallpaper cleaner. Play-Doh® was marketed a year later by a toy manufacturer, and
7 Tips for Holiday Budgeting
To Scrooge or not to Scrooge? That is the question. The holidays are a season of giving, which also means it’s the season of spending. Buying the perfect gift for everyone can force you to spend more than you can afford, stripping the joy from giving. Santa may do it, but you don’t have to.
How Do You Decide Between Buying vs. Renting?
In today’s world, we have the option to rent just about anything. From homes to cars to clothes and accessories, we have endless options. But when is it best to buy? And is renting ever the better option? Let's discover the pros and cons of buying vs. renting. Your home Buying a home might seem
Make DIY Sock Snowmen With The Whole Family
Deck the halls with DIY Sock Snowmen! This easy craft is perfect for the whole family, and you might already have some of the supplies laying around at your house. Look below to find out how to make them! DIY Sock Snowman Supplies per snowman Kid size white sock Poly-fil stuffing 1 cup of rice
Everything You Need For Your Mom Emergency Car Kit
You know the drill: you rush to get out of the house, you jump in the car with your little ones, and halfway to your destination you realize you forgot half of what you needed. In the midst of your chaos and remembering everything you have forgotten, someone spills something all over the back seat.
Free Things to Do In Gainesville This Fall!
Fall is the perfect time to spend quality time with your family in the cool weather, but sometimes it can be hard to think of things to do that aren’t expensive. Here are a few fun and free things to do with your kids this fall! Go to a Local Museum The Florida Museum of