Watch This Adorable Snow Leopard Live-Stream

Three words: snow leopard cubs. Do I have you hooked yet? In the midst of all the craziness of coronavirus, the Melbourne Zoo is doing everyone the great service of hosting a snow leopard live-stream of three cubs! There's actually two ways to watch the snow leopard live-stream. The cubs move around a lot, so

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Small Business Guide and Checklist for Emergency Loan (CARES Act)

The Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act has allocated $350 billion to help small businesses that are in need to keep their workers employed amid the COVID-19 pandemic and economic downturn. This is known as the "Paycheck Protection Program" and this initiative provides 100% federally guaranteed loans to small businesses who maintain their

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Alachua County Library District Extends Closures Until Further Notice

The Alachua County Library District is extending their closure of all library locations until further notice due to the ongoing uncertainty of COVID-19. Per the Alachua County Library District: "All Alachua County Library District locations will remain closed until further notice due to the continued threat of COVID-19 (coronavirus). All library programs and meeting room

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moms need me time for mental health

Moms Need Me-Time, Too — Especially Now!

Let’s get real, being a mom is not easy. You are constantly monitoring someone else, making sure everyone gets fed and you are being pulled in a million different directions. If you get a chance to sit down, it’s only for a minute and even the bathroom isn’t a safe zone anymore. And, especially now

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How long can COVID-19 live on different surfaces?

You’re furiously scrubbing places you haven’t cleaned in years and frequently disinfecting the “high-touch” areas of your house, but how often should you actually be cleaning different surfaces? According to Harvard Medical School, “A recent study found that the COVID-19 coronavirus can survive up to four hours on copper, up to 24 hours on cardboard,

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sick tissues

What To Do If You Think You May Have COVID-19

Right now just about anything anyone can talk about is COVID-19, also known as coronavirus. Its rapid spread and drastic changes it’s made to our lives have been unprecedented. But to ensure you and your family stay safe, the most important thing you can do is be informed. And, if you think that you may

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Socail distancing

What is Social Distancing, and How Can it Keep Us Safe?

With the COVID-19 pandemic affecting almost every part of our lives, it is so important that we take measures to protect ourselves and families from getting sick. There are multiple practices we can implement and continue, like hand-washing and not touching our faces, that are proven to keep us safer, but what about social distancing?

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golden beauty products

7 Golden Beauty Products You’ll Love!

Now that Florida is starting to reopen again since the onset of COVID-19, it's time to get your skin ready to see other people again. If you want to look fresh, glowy and golden as you emerge from quarantine, then try these seven golden beauty products! CRUNCHI LIGHT REFLECTING PRESSED HIGHLIGHTER Gold pigment and light

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