Free Coffee From Starbucks

Healthcare Workers Can Get Free Coffee From Starbucks All Month

With COVID-19 still wreaking havoc on the country, Starbucks wants to give back. Front-line workers and healthcare workers can get free coffee from Starbucks for the whole month of December! “It has been an extraordinarily difficult year, especially for the front-line responders who are serving our communities,” said Starbucks Vice President Virginia Tenpenny, Global Social Impact.

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Foodservice Director of the Year

ACPS Food Service Director Wins Foodservice Director of the Year

The Alachua County Public Schools’ (ACPS) director of Food and Nutrition Services (FNS) Department won the Golden School Foodservice Director of the Year Award! Her name is Maria Eunice (pictured above), and she was awarded this highest honor because of her dedication to Alachua County students over the years, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic. “We

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Superintendent Karen Clarke

ACPS Superintendent Karen Clarke Announces Plan to Step Down

Alachua County Public Schools Superintendent Karen Clarke (pictured right) has announced that she will be stepping down next summer, effective June 30, 2021. Clarke has lead ACPS since the beginning of the 2017-18 school year, and most notably she has led the county through challenges like Hurricane Irma and the COVID-19 pandemic. "She also highlighted

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Virtual Tricks and Tips

Virtual Tricks and Tips for At-Home Learning

There is nothing better than getting great advice from those who know it best and are in the trenches with you...the mom village! This time around, moms who opted for the virtual/digital option this year due to COVID-19 share their virtual tricks and tips on how to navigating the waters of at-home learning. Carrie Groves

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Starbucks Red Cup

Starbucks Holiday Cups and Menu Items Are Back!

Starbucks is giving us all something to smile about with the return of the Starbucks holiday cups! Patrons turned up to their local Starbucks on November 6 to get their iconic Starbucks Red cups, and they went fast. Didn't make it up in time to get a cup? Don't be sad, you can still enjoy

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Support the Community Connectivity Fund in Alachua County

The Community Foundation of North Central Florida and The Education Foundation of Alachua County have come together to create the Community Connectivity Fund. This is a local effort to help the community in Alachua County find accessibility to the internet and other digital devices. The 50% of the money donated to the fund will go

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pets safe on halloween

How Do You Keep Your Pets Safe on Halloween?

There are few sights more adorable than a cat dressed like a pumpkin or a princess puppy. However, with great cuteness comes great responsibility! To keep your pets safe on Halloween, use these tips to make your pet’s safety a primary focus when joining in the Halloween festivities. Dos and Don'ts DON'T store the treats

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Donate Buses to Local Churches

ACPS to Donate Buses to Local Churches and Non-Profits | Updated 10/26

Updated 10/26: Alachua County Public Schools will hold the "Operation Moving Forward" Bus Giveaway on Wednesday, October 28. Forty busses will be given to churches, non-profits and other organizations that applied to receive a bus. More than 150 local organizations sent in applications. The giveaway will be held at the Gainesville Raceway at 1 p.m.,

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Natural Remedies for Illnesses

Try These Natural Remedies for Illnesses

Is it a cold, the flu or just allergies? It can be hard to tell this time of year living in Gainesville. The kids are bringing germs home from school, we are spending a lot of time outdoors and cold and flu season is arriving. We may not want to automatically reach for pharmaceuticals to

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Cope With Election Anxiety

4 Tips to Help Your Family Cope With Election Anxiety

Election Day is coming up, and for many people, the political season brings a lot of anxiety and stress. And, even for your kiddos who can't vote yet, they can feel when their parents are anxious. Help your family cope with election anxiety with these tips! Limit Your News Consumption With all the presidential debates,

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