Child's Constipation

Smooth Sailing: Treating Your Child’s Constipation

Constipation is a common health condition, and children are not immune. According to the BMJ journal, it is one of the top 10 common problems that pediatricians see in their office, and up to 8 percent of American children are chronically constipated. We have some tips to help with your child's constipation. Common signs of

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birthday party

D.I.Y. Birthday Party Piñata!

Your kiddo's birthday is right around the corner, and this year he or she has requested a VERY specific theme for the party. You've searched for hours on the internet and in stores for a piñata that even comes close to the theme, but have had zero luck. Well, have no fear! Roll those sleeves

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Fresh Air Near Gainesville

5 of the Best Places to Get Fresh Air Near Gainesville

Those who have called Gainesville home for more than four years know that The Swamp is home to more than just the university, football team and the entertainment scene along University Avenue. Gainesville and its surrounding towns are home to numerous gems of nature. From springs, to rivers and lakes, to prairies and plains, there’s

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edible cookie dough

Make Ben & Jerry’s Famous Edible Cookie Dough Recipe

Another famous recipe has been released on the internet, and this time, we can thank Ben & Jerry's ice cream! You can now make their Edible Cookie Dough Recipe at home! This cookie dough recipe is "100% safely snackable," according to the Ben & Jerry's website. This is the same recipe that the brand uses

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Creative COVID Solution

Our Creative COVID Solution: Crafting!

When #quarantinelife hit our family, we hit back with #osterhoutacademy and found a fun solution to keeping our two young kids happy, entertained and engaged during the months of lock-down... and beyond! My husband James and I certainly experienced our share of melt-downs, Disney+ filled afternoons and exhaustion, but managed to turn an extremely challenging

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father's day gifts

Practical Father’s Day Gifts for Practical Dads!

Check out these perfect practical Father's Day gifts for the practical dad that loves being able to use every gift! Order them now so that they will be here in time for Father's Day! HoMedics® UV-CLEAN Phone Sanitizer $79.99,   The Novel Duffle $89.99,   Cuff Adapters $14.95,   The Supreme Pillow

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tweens on the water

Fishing for Fun: Engaging Your Tween on the Water

With that in between state from sweet and innocent kid to hormone raging teen, finding things to do with a crabby teen can cause any parent to go bonkers and running for the hills! However, summer is here! While many camps are out of commission this year, fresh air and Florida's amazing water ways are

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Turn Over a New Leaf with a Family Tree

Whether you’re 100 percent one ethnicity, a mix of a bunch or have absolutely no idea what your history is, it seems that everyone loves trying to piece together a family tree. Making a family tree is another way to connect to your cultural identity and learn about your ancestors, right in your own home

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14 of the Best Florida Museums

While most tourists come to the Sunshine State to get away from the snow and indulge in the beautiful sandy beaches, there’s actually more to Florida than just our infinite sunny days. With endless history, some of the best-kept secrets are the spots that many seem to skip over altogether. So next time the clouds

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College Alternatives

College Alternatives That Lead to Success

By the time our kiddos grow to be 16, 17 or 18 years old, thoughts like “Which college am I going to go to?” and “What career path do I want to choose?” have already flooded their minds. For many students, the pressure of getting into college can be overwhelming, especially if the student isn’t

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