Baby Has a Cough

What To Do When Your Baby Has a Cough

Coughing is a natural reflex the body uses to clear the lungs and airways. But when a baby has a cough, a parent’s first instinct is often to worry. Sometimes a cough is just a cough, and other times it calls for a trip to the doctor. Understanding what causes coughing and the different types

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St. Patty's Day

Easy St. Patty’s Day Recipes For The Family

If your family does not come from a long line of Irish blood, or if you are not familiar with classic Irish meals, you may mistake the most popular meal on St. Patty's Day to be Sheppard's pie. While this dish is delicious and comforting, the traditional Irish meal to prepare for St. Patrick's Day

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Gentle Giants: The 6 Best Places To See Manatees In Florida

While Florida is a major destination for summer vacations, winter may be the prime time to explore Florida’s waters. Between November and April, manatees gather in the Sunshine State to warm up during the colder months. According to The Everglades Foundation, these gentle giants are typically 10 feet long and weigh around 1,000 pounds. They

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ABC’s of Acne

The ABC’s of Acne: Causes and Prevention

According to the Mayo Clinic, the definition of acne is “a skin condition that occurs when hair follicles become plugged with oil and dead skin cells. It causes whiteheads, blackheads or pimples. Acne is most common among teenagers, though it affects people of all ages.” The Cleveland Clinic states that up to 80% of people ages 11 to

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Pawsitive Pet Chores

Pawsitive Pet Chores Your Children Can Learn From

Feb. 20 is National Love Your Pet Day! Do you feel it is about time your child adopted a sense of responsibility? If so, there’s no better opportunity than adopting a pet! Children enter a new realm of responsibility at this age. They no longer need someone to tie their shoes or clean up after

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Valentine ideas

4 DIY Valentine Ideas for the Whole Family

With Valentine’s Day just around the corner, it is easy to get carried away in planning things for your partner, but this year, spend the days leading up to February 14 making Valentine ideas for your family, with your family. Valentine Heart Chalkboard Inspired by Pottery Barn for kids, Crafts by Courtney shows us how

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Black History Month

Black History Month: Celebrate With These Books!

This month is Black History Month! The theme this year is "African Americans and the Arts" including "visual and performing arts, literature, fashion, folklore, language, film, music, architecture, culinary and other forms of cultural expression," according to the Association for the Study of African American Life and History (ASALH). Books are an art, and there

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Tween's Privacy and Safety

Dear Diary: Balancing Your Tween’s Privacy and Safety

Somewhere between elementary and middle school, your tween will stop talking to you. One day she might have been giving you every last detail of the latest gossip at school, and the next day she completely shut down, giving only single-word responses to your questions. It is frustrating as a parent, but this is normal

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Girl sitting against couch looking stressed

How Can Social Anxiety Hinder Our Children?

Around the stage of prepubescence and teenage years, some children can also experience various social and mental health conditions. Social anxiety disorder is one such condition and is described as an intense fear of social situations that may cause a child to be analyzed by others. Children suffering from social anxiety disorder feel intense anxiety

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winter-proof gardens

Weeding Out the Weather: A Guide to Winter-Proof Gardens

While a Florida winter feels like a summer vacation in comparison to neighboring states, you don’t want a wilting winter wonderland. Plants freeze in some parts of North Central Florida if temperatures drop enough. Proper care makes all the difference for winter-proof gardens to survive and thrive during a cold snap. Prep your plants Although

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