As each year draws to a close and a new one rolls in, people across the world indulge in rituals and traditions they hope will bring them health, wealth and — of course — good luck in the new year. Whether following these customs appeases our superstitions or just our appetites, there is no doubt
Tips for a Safe New Year’s Celebration!
New Year’s Eve is almost here, and we can't wait to welcome the new year! But it is so important to remember some safety precautions to take into account when celebrating New Year's! Here are some tips for a safe New Year's celebration. Be cautious with fireworks The National Safety Council and the National Fire Protection Association recommend
4 Holiday Hacks For Busy Parents
Time is money, money is time! So, save some time and money this holiday season by cutting corners and diving in to some of our favorite holiday hacks and fun this year! Your family and wallet will thank you for it! Hack #1 Reuse, Recycle, Re-Giftwrapping We all have a mom, aunt or grandmother that
How Do You Decide Between Buying vs. Renting?
In today’s world, we have the option to rent just about anything. From homes to cars to clothes and accessories, we have endless options. But when is it best to buy? And is renting ever the better option? Let's discover the pros and cons of buying vs. renting. Your home Buying a home might seem
Make DIY Sock Snowmen With The Whole Family
Deck the halls with DIY Sock Snowmen! This easy craft is perfect for the whole family, and you might already have some of the supplies laying around at your house. Look below to find out how to make them! DIY Sock Snowman Supplies per snowman Kid size white sock Poly-fil stuffing 1 cup of rice
7 New Christmas Cookie Ideas for The Holidays!
‘Tis the season for baking Christmas cookies! For some, it's a holiday tradition with your kids, and for others, it's baking therapy to get yourself ready for the holiday madness. Regardless of the reason why you make Christmas cookies, maybe it’s time to revamp your cookies this year! Check out some of these new and
Tips to Prevent Chapped Lips in Cold Weather
Chapped lips are literally a pain during the winter season. We have so much fun spending time with loved ones, making gingerbread houses and opening gifts, but having chapped lips can make any of those activities less enjoyable when the cold and wind hit our dry, cracked lips. What causes chapped lips? Our lips are
Where to See Santa This Season!
It's the most wonderful time of the year, and everyone is on the lookout for Santa Claus! Here's where to find him so your kids can share their Christmas wishes and snap a keepsake photo! But wait! Before you go, print out our letter to Santa template to help your little ones tell Santa want
3 Ways to Sleep Train Your Baby
New parents receive so much unsolicited advice regarding sleep and their newborns. From “never wake a sleeping baby” to “wake the baby every two hours to eat” it can get pretty confusing. Add to that your exhaustion, and who has time to research the best way to get your baby to sleep? We’ve broken down
Everything You Need For Your Mom Emergency Car Kit
You know the drill: you rush to get out of the house, you jump in the car with your little ones, and halfway to your destination you realize you forgot half of what you needed. In the midst of your chaos and remembering everything you have forgotten, someone spills something all over the back seat.