Emotional Eating

Emotional Eating: What It Is and How to Avoid it

Bodies need nourishment. Food and water provide fuel for bodily processes and activities, and we must replenish our supply daily. Individual body makeup along with activity level determines what you need to sustain yourself and maintain a healthy weight. While we know intellectually that we need food to thrive, sometimes food can hold power over

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elijah cup

Make This Elijah’s Cup Craft For Passover

Here is an Elijah's Cup craft for your kiddos that they can use during Passover. Help your kids make their very own Elijah's Cup decorated with yarn! Elijah's Cup Supplies Plastic drinking cup with a stem Yarn in various colors craft glue or hot glue Beads, glitter or sequins Disposable Stemmed Glasses Directions To start

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baby succulent

Make Your Home Earth-Friendly for Earth Day!

Earth Day is on April 22! Cleaning up the Earth can start right at home. Make your home earth friendly with some simple fixes that will cut down on your ecological footprint and help clean our motherland. Stop Buying Disposable Products The impact that we have on the environment, or our ecological footprint, can be

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5 Benefits of Sending Your Child to Summer Camp

As the summer season approaches, parents begin to worry about where their child is going to be spending the summer. Most typical jobs work through the summer and a lot of parents face leaving their older kids home alone until they can finish the workday. Well, we're here to share with you benefits of sending

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Baby Has a Cough

What To Do When Your Baby Has a Cough

Coughing is a natural reflex the body uses to clear the lungs and airways. But when a baby has a cough, a parent’s first instinct is often to worry. Sometimes a cough is just a cough, and other times it calls for a trip to the doctor. Understanding what causes coughing and the different types

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ABC’s of Acne

The ABC’s of Acne: Causes and Prevention

According to the Mayo Clinic, the definition of acne is “a skin condition that occurs when hair follicles become plugged with oil and dead skin cells. It causes whiteheads, blackheads or pimples. Acne is most common among teenagers, though it affects people of all ages.” The Cleveland Clinic states that up to 80% of people ages 11 to

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Pawsitive Pet Chores

Pawsitive Pet Chores Your Children Can Learn From

Feb. 20 is National Love Your Pet Day! Do you feel it is about time your child adopted a sense of responsibility? If so, there’s no better opportunity than adopting a pet! Children enter a new realm of responsibility at this age. They no longer need someone to tie their shoes or clean up after

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Valentine ideas

4 DIY Valentine Ideas for the Whole Family

With Valentine’s Day just around the corner, it is easy to get carried away in planning things for your partner, but this year, spend the days leading up to February 14 making Valentine ideas for your family, with your family. Valentine Heart Chalkboard Inspired by Pottery Barn for kids, Crafts by Courtney shows us how

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Black History Month

Black History Month: Celebrate With These Books!

This month is Black History Month! The theme this year is "African Americans and the Arts" including "visual and performing arts, literature, fashion, folklore, language, film, music, architecture, culinary and other forms of cultural expression," according to the Association for the Study of African American Life and History (ASALH). Books are an art, and there

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Valentine card

Homemade Valentines: Art with Heart!

Need some last minute Valentine ideas? Try out these super easy Valentine's Day heart art ideas that you can give out this year to classmates, coworkers or to that special someone. Show your heart with these homemade Valentines! Folding Heart Directions 1. Measure and cut out an 8 inch by 8 inch square from your

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