podcasts for moms

5 Best Podcasts for Working Moms

Being a mom can be really hard, especially when you are balancing motherhood and a full-time job. Sometimes it may feel like you are all alone in your struggle, but you are not. Here are our five best podcasts for working moms that are here to remind you that other moms out there are going

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Meet Our Local Featured Teacher: Maddie Ward

AT WHAT SCHOOL DO YOU CURRENTLY WORK? Meadowbrook Elementary School WHAT GRADE/AGE DO YOU TEACH? Kindergarten, this year I am teaching fully online (Digital Academy) HOW LONG HAVE YOU BEEN A TEACHER? This is my second year WHAT SUBJECT DO YOU TEACH? All subjects – reading, math, science, social studies, writing, social/emotional learning What inspired

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How to Create a Healthy Home Environment

From our children’s success at school, to how we perform at work, to how happy we are in our relationships with family and friends, many things can be linked back to our healthy home environment. One way to adjust how we look at our home is to break down our activities and improvements into the

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egg shaker

Make This Easy Shaker From Plastic Easter Eggs

After this weekend, you might have a lot of plastic Easter eggs laying around from all your at-home Easter egg hunts! Use those leftover plastic eggs to make an easy shaker perfect for little ones to shake in an at-home jam session! Easy Shaker By using different materials inside each egg, each shaker will produce

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natural paint

Learn How To Make Natural Paint With Strawberries!

It's strawberry season! And what better way to celebrate berry season than by crafting with to make you and your kiddos feel more connected with nature. Try painting the old fashioned way — make natural paint with berries! How To Make Berry Natural Paint Supplies: strawberries salt vinegar bowl strainer paintbrushes paper Directions:  Visit your

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Fertility Issues

The Ups and Downs of Fertility Issues

According to the Mayo Clinic, approximately 10-15% of American couples experience infertility issues, defined as having frequent unprotected sex for at least a year that does not result in pregnancy. About one-third of infertility cases are due to an issue with the man, about one-third are due to an issue with the woman, and the

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Tips and Tricks For Easier Pumping & Breastfeeding

Breastfeeding and pumping is a very personal decision. Deciding how long and whether you’ll be nursing or pumping or both is a decision only you can make. This act of nourishing your baby can be very rewarding, but simplifying the process will make it a more enjoyable experience. (pictured above: Sarah Franklin with her newborn

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Eating Around the World

New Birthday Traditions: Eating Around the World

Everyone had to get creative this year when it came to quarantined birthday celebrations. In my house, we obviously didn’t feel like it would be safe to party with people outside of our household, so what did we do? We started an Around the World Birthday Dinner tradition! Every time a birthday came along in

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Social Isolation

The Pandemic Effect: How Social Isolation Affects Young Children

It’s no doubt that 2020 and the impact of COVID-19 has affected virtually every person on the planet. For infants and children under 2, the influence of the pandemic may not be very apparent as their routines likely didn’t change and they won’t remember it in the future. But what about toddlers and young preschoolers?

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long lasting lashes

Lash Logistics: Make a Statement With Long Lasting Lashes!

With those newest accessories we have been adorning, aka masks, much of our face is covered throughout the day – except for our eyes. So, it’s time to make them pop and have those long lasting lashes on point at all times! FALSE LASH 411 From Kara Winslow, Make Up Artist Applying your own false

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