A Note From Our Publisher

Dearest Families, It goes without saying that these are uncharted territories for us all. Grocery store shelves are bare, schools are closed, parents have become teachers, teachers have become video stars through distance learning opportunities and social distancing has become our new normal. None of us are immune. We are in this together. As the

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Socail distancing

What is Social Distancing, and How Can it Keep Us Safe?

With the COVID-19 pandemic affecting almost every part of our lives, it is so important that we take measures to protect ourselves and families from getting sick. There are multiple practices we can implement and continue, like hand-washing and not touching our faces, that are proven to keep us safer, but what about social distancing?

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Boy with Dog

How to Balance Allergies with Pet Ownership

“Mom! When are we getting a dog?” If just hearing that phrase makes your sinuses hurt, your eyes water and your throat swell, you are not alone. According to the American College of Allergy, Asthma, and Immunology, as much as 10 percent of the U.S. population is allergic to dogs and has to balance allergies.

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Old Family Photos

Complete Your Family Tree With These Tips

Who are you? For most people, this is an easy question. They classify themselves as mothers or fathers, sons or daughters, painters, teachers or doctors. But for others, it raises a burning question that runs deeper than occupation or social position. It raises a question of the past, of roots and ancestry. And questions are

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Featured Teacher: Meet Sara Bolton

AT WHAT SCHOOL DO YOU CURRENTLY WORK? Talbot Elementary School WHAT GRADE/AGE DO YOU TEACH? 5th grade HOW LONG HAVE YOU BEEN A TEACHER? Nine years WHAT SUBJECT DO YOU TEACH? Math, Science and Robotics Why were you inspired to teach? I had many fantastic teachers growing up who inspired me to teach. I knew

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3 Nacho Recipes to Make on Super Bowl Sunday!

Super Bowl Sunday is this weekend! What better way than to celebrate than with your own homemade nachos. Enjoy these recipes with your family as you cheer on the Buccaneers or the Chiefs!   Classic Nachos  Ingredients:  Tortilla Chips  Ground beef or meat of choice  Cheese (shredded)  Toppings: salsa, jalapeños, sour cream, green onion and

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Super Bowl Party Food

Super Bowl Party Food That Shines!

Are you throwing a Super Bowl Party this Sunday? Use this Super Bowl Party food ideas to keep your guests full and happy until the game ends! These are easy recipes that are great for snacking. Go team!   Basil Pesto Hummus Total time: 15 minutes Ingredients Two 15 ounce cans of chickpeas Lemon juice

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Winter Wear In Florida!

Living in the Sunshine State has it’s advantages. Sun, surf and sand all year long. Golf on Thanksgiving, swimming on Christmas...what could be better? We are so lucky to live in paradise...but, even paradise welcomes “Jack Frost” now and then in the Florida winter. As the holiday season approaches, so do the ever illusive cold

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7 Aches & Pains of Pregnancy

As your home and heart are filled with the joyful anticipation of bringing a new life into the world, be informed on how your body may respond to this exciting change during pregnancy and what you can do to ease some of the discomforts. Restless Leg Syndrome RLS is the irrepressible need to move the

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Use These Apps to Get Moving!

We’ve all seen the “fitspiration” pictures online claiming that a workout is only 4 percent of your day, so that must mean there are no excuses, right? Well when you have kids to parent, a household to manage and work to do, sometimes it’s not so easy to fit in a full hour of exercise

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